The Grand Troika: A Chance for a World New Order


Back in the late summer of 2017 I wrote an analysis of the state of world affairs and international relations after two seismic geopolitical world events occurred almost simultaneously in 2016 – the UK Referendum result to Leave the European Union and the defeat of Democrat Hillary Clinton by Republican Donald Trump for the White House in the US 2016 Presidential Election. Those twin political events were like major earth shaking bombs going off creating all kinds of disturbances and tremors, aftershocks and creating the greatest of shock and bewilderment within the international political order that had held sway since the defeat of Nazism in 1945.

It had become clear to me by the summer of 2017, as I had thought for some time, that politics in Britain – and global geostrategic politics within the broader historical framework of civilizational and human development – had changed profoundly and significantly from were we had been during the 1990s-2012 period, perhaps even from where I started off life in the most intense but ending days of the Cold War in the mid 1980s. Continue reading

Greece warned Troika they are Playing with Fire


Greek Prime Minister Alexis is finally getting some backbone thanks to BREXIT. He has now warned the IMF and the German Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble and Merkel along with the Troika, that they should no longer “play with the fire” in the Greek debt crisis. The Troika’s demands have been an all or nothing approach to subjugate Greece. They have pushed Greece beyond human endurance and the EU will pay the price. Continue reading

EURO COLLAPSE: Italy to QUIT EUROZONE in final nail of coffin for EU, warns top economist

As corrupt as Varoufakis is, he’s right that the German-led EU wants to crush its own member states. Its aim is to make vassal states out of them.


Yanis Varoufakis and Italy

Yanis Varoufakis has warned Italy is about to quit the union


ITALY could be set to pull out of the Eurozone in what would be the final nail in the European Union’s (EU) coffin, Greece’s former finance minister has warned.

Yanis Varoufakis said there was an “epidemic” among countries using the single currency, with Italy the next to fall foul of Brussels’ economic malaise.

He also said Brexit would “speed up” the break-down of the bloc – before making a dig at Jeremy Corbyn.  Continue reading

Is THIS democracy? Germany planning EU takeover by seizing MORE top roles

It’s always amazing to see how slow people come around to waking up and seeing what’s happening around them. Imagine the outrage after the slow thinking politicians in Europe realize Germany has controlled 2/3 of the Troika for over a decade now.


You have not anchored Germany to Europe,… You have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.

– Margaret Thatcher


The year is 2016 and Europe is now dominated by Germany again.

Welcome to the Fourth Reich.


GERMANY has been accused of orchestrating a takeover of the EU by taking control of five key roles.

Worried Eurocrats have warned politicians now “need to be German and a socialist” to gain a position of power within the organisation – which has also been described as an “insult to diversity.”

The concerns were raised after the German president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz announced his desire for longtime aide and fellow German Markus Winkler to become deputy secretary general. Continue reading

Watch for Mr. Europe!

If you’re looking for Nazis, you’re 70 years late to the party.

The nation has taken a different approach through proxies stacked within the Troika (European Commission, IMF and European Central bank). Germany then uses these institutions to economically force member nations to submit to their will or face a crash and its leaders will be out of power. Thankfully, the United States has its pawn running the IMF with Legarde, but 2/3 is enough to get things done their way as we’ve seen with Greece, now a German vassal state.

Through the shaped engineered unrest coming and a predetermined solution already at hand, The United States of Europe will be born — the world’s next superpower courtesy of the Fourth Reich. The EU Army is already being formed and the rest is not far behind.!h.355,id.13982,,w.640


Conditions on the Continent are ripe for the rise of a dictator.

Europe—homeland of Justinian, of Charlemagne, of Napoleon, stomping grounds of many of history’s most fearsome rulers—is suffering a crisis of leadership.

It’s not for lack of government. The place is crawling with bureaucrats. But Europeans, swaddled in red tape, are like children in an orphanage: nannies everywhere—but oh, how they need a father. Continue reading

The Next Greek Crisis Is Coming

A refugee holds an umbrella as he tries to light a fire during rainy weather at a makeshift camp in the northern border village of Idomeni, April 8. Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty


As you approach the northern Greek city of Kozani, which stands on a plateau surrounded by mountains, you start to see smoke—thick white clouds floating above the knotty shrubs and sun-dappled hills of Western Macedonia. This is the heart of Greece’s coal industry; the plumes come from the chimneys of power stations dotted around the region.

When most Greeks think of Kozani, they think of coal. In the 1950s, the Public Power Corp. (PPC), now Greece’s biggest electric company, took over the mines here and brought prosperity to this poor, largely agricultural corner of northern Greece. Locals soon abandoned their traditional ways of making a living: saffron cultivation, marble production and fur-making. Mining was not easy, but the workers were well-compensated. The city’s businesses flourished. Continue reading

Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To “Cause A Credit Event In Greece And Destabilize Europe”

One of the recurring concerns involving Europe’s seemingly perpetual economic, financial and social crises, is that these have been largely predetermined, “scripted” and deliberate acts.

This is something the former head of the Bank of England admitted one month ago when Mervyn King said that Europe’s economic depression “is the result of “deliberate” policy choices made by EU elites.  It is also what AIG Banque strategist Bernard Connolly said back in 2008 when laying out “What Europe Wants

To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:
  • environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
  • terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
  • global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
  • EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government” Continue reading

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

If you’ve been following this site for a while you will already know who runs the show in Europe — with 2/3 of the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, IMF) being ran by this same nation. The remaining 1/3 (IMF) is headed by Christine Legarde, who is of French origin, yet is strongly tied to the Obama administration and serves as a hedge for American interests.

All signs surely point to a breakup of the monetary union, but what people don’t see are a parallel actions to continue further integration. It may very well break up, but there will be another union behind it rising out of the ashes: The United States of Europe. The politicians and Eurocrats are defying all logic and pushing full steam ahead, no matter the cost.

It’s the greatest heist of all time and the new superpower to come out of it all is under construction.

Experts may tell you it’s game over, but the Bible, God’s written word, says otherwise.


I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. The EU has imposed the first outright total asset reporting requirement for cash, jewelry, and anything else you have of value stored away. Continue reading

Germany Wins Again: Greece Agrees to Sell Airports and Other Assets!h.355,id.12235


Greece has agreed to sell the operating rights of over a dozen of its airports to a German company in a bid to qualify for bailout loans. The $1.37 billion concession is one of Greece’s biggest privatization deals since the start of the debt crisis.

The decision will hand over 14 of Greece’s airports to Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG. Fraport expects to close its agreement with Athens in October. The deal will be in effect for the next 40 years.

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Greek bailout terms to give eurozone vast powers over policymaking

As predicted here for years, Greece will become the vassal state of a German-dominated Europe ran through the Troika. All roads lead to Berlin and its Fourth Reich. In the medium-term, look for more nations to be subjugated like Cyprus and Greece. They will be destroyed and rebuilt in order to form a United States of Europe.


The Greek government is to surrender powers over vast areas of economic and social policymaking to its eurozone creditors under draconian terms agreed for a new three-year bailout.

The 29 pages of conditions concede ultimate authority over much of Greek policymaking to the eurozone and establish a system of quarterly reviews of the reforms by the troika of institutions – the European commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – representing the creditors.

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Goodbye Troika: Germany Rides Into Its Greek Colony On The “Quadriga”

From an outsider perspective, it looks like the new addition is because the IMF is headed by Christine Lagarde. Lagarde is an ally of the Obama administration and placed within the IMF by it. Wolfgang Schäuble probably couldn’t get the job done with 1/3 of the Troika being compromised by the IMF’s continued sympathy for Greece and now Berlin’s Fourth Reich has found a way around it. It’s unclear what role the ESM will exactly be playing, but time will tell.


With creditors’ motorcades having officially returned to the streets of Athens in the wake of Greek lawmakers’ approval of the second set of bailout prior actions last Wednesday, tensions are understandably high.

After all, these are the same “institutions” which Yanis Varoufakis famously booted from Greece after Syriza swept to power in January, and they’ve come to represent the oppression of the Greek people and are now a symbol of the country’s debt servitude. Continue reading

Greek Capital Controls To Remain For Months As Germany Pushes For Bail-In Of Large Greek Depositors

Now Berlin’s Troika is gunning for the cash.


Two weeks ago we explained why Greek banks, which Greece no longer has any direct control over having handed over the keys to their operations to the ECB as part of Bailout #3’s terms, are a “strong sell” at any price: due to the collapse of the local economy as a result of the velocity of money plunging to zero thanks to capital controls which just had their 1 month anniversary, bank Non-Performing Loans, already at €100 billion (out of a total of €210 billion in loans), are rising at a pace as high as €1 billion per day (this was confirmed when the IMF boosted Greece’s liquidity needs by €25 billion in just two weeks), are rising at a pace unseen at any time in modern history.

Which means that any substantial attempt to bailout Greek banks would require a massive, new capital injection to restore confidence; however as we reported, a recapitalization of the Greek banks will hit at least shareholders and certain bondholders under a new set of European regulations—the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive—enacted at the beginning of the year. And since Greek banks are woefully undercapitalized and there is already a danger of depositor bail-ins, all securities that are below the depositor claim in the cap structure will have to be impaired, as in wiped out.  Continue reading

Troika Returns To A Conquered Greece Amid Anger, Security Threats

“The letter has been sent,” a Greek government official told MNI on Friday, referring to a formal (if begrudging) invite from Athens delivered to the IMF and the rest of the dreaded troika.

The trio – comprised of the IMF, the ECB, and the European Commission – was famously booted from Greece in late January by a rambunctious Yanis Varoufakis who proclaimed that Syriza, which had just swept to power on an anti-austerity platform, didn’t “plan to cooperate with that committee.”  Continue reading

France Calls for the Federalization of Europe

Integration, integration and more integration… That’s the path Europe is on until it represents the United States of Europe in one form or another which has been repeatedly predicted here since 2011 — all of which is brought to you courtesy of the Fourth Reich. Soon, along with it (and already in development) is the European Army.


History repeats because human nature never differs. I have warned that Albert Einstein was correct that you can NEVER solve a problem with the same line of thing that created the crisis. We will see that absolutely NEVER has anyone in power EVER conceded that they have been the cause of a crisis – it is always someone else. They are the people who in school didn’t do an assignment and blamed the dog for eating it.

French President Francois Hollande has called for the 19 countries using the euro need to now move rapidly to complete a full socialistic state for Europe with a budget and parliament to relieve the individual governments of their failed socialistic agendas. If anything will cause the collapse of the Euro – this will be it. Hollande argues that the Greek crisis illustrates the problem and of course it was never their failed dreams, it was the lack of a federalized Europe where people have no vote whatsoever in any Troika member.

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Was Greece Set Up To Fail?

Not only was Greece set up to burn and have an example made of it by Wolfgang Schäuble, according to former U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the entire Euro was designed to fail. All roads are leading to Berlin and it’s Fourth Reich dominating the continent.


My ‘job’ here is by no means done, anyway. Because of the general strike today, another Solidarity Clinic that I wanted to donate some of your AE for Athens Fund money to, is closed (update on the Fund tomorrow). Parliament is debating the latest Troika strangle plan as we speak, and who knows what tomorrow will bring? An entire economy is being deliberately suffocated, and all in all it’s just total madness. Quiet madness, though (update: and then the riots broke out..).Two things I’ve been repeatedly asked to convey to you are that:

1) you can’t trust any Greek poll or media, because the media are so skewed to one side of the political spectrum, and that side is not SYRIZA (can you imagine any other country where almost all the media are against the government, tell outright lies, use any trick in and outside the book, and the government still gets massive public support?!),


2) Athens is the safest city on the planet. I can fully attest to that. Not one single moment of even a hint of a threat, and that in a city that feels very much under siege (don’t underestimate that). And people should come here, and thereby support the country’s economy. Don’t go to Spain or France this year, go to Greece. Europe is trying to blow this country up; don’t allow them to. Continue reading