Ex-CIA officer indicted as Chinese spy


(Photo by: Jacquelyn Martin) “They continue their malign activities across the region” said Defense Secretary James N. Mattis during a Senate hearing on Wednesday about Iran. (Associated Press)


A federal grand jury in Virginia has indicted former CIA operations officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee for conspiracy to spy for China, in a case that has been under investigation for more than six years.

Federal officials say the case represents one of the most damaging spy cases in the CIA’s checkered history of losing recruited agents to foreign spy services.

Mr. Lee is believed by American intelligence and law enforcement officials to be the cause of the agency losing a large number of its recruited agents in China around 2010. The agency and FBI spent the next eight years trying to find out the source of the losses. Continue reading

Australian spy agency says it is facing ‘unprecedented’ espionage threat


The primary intelligence agency of Australia says its resources are overextended as the country faces “espionage and foreign interference [of an] unprecedented” scale. In its annual report to the Australian houses of parliament, which was produced on Tuesday, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) says it lacks resources to counter “harmful espionage” and “malicious activity” against the country. The unclassified report is published every year as a summary of a much longer classified report, which is shared with senior government officials and senior civil servants. It is endorsed by ASIO Director Duncan Lewis, who serves as Australia’s Director-General of Security. Continue reading

Amazon Web Services can Now Host the Defense Department’s Most Sensitive Data



This week, the Defense Department granted the cloud computing giant a provisional authorization to host Impact Level 5 workloads, which are the military and Pentagon’s most sensitive, unclassified information.  Continue reading

China Develops Software to Stop Whistleblowers From Leaking State Secrets

© Photo: Pixabay


The Chinese military is developing software that will be able to automatically tip off authorities each time soldiers leak classified information via their smartphones, Chinese media reported.

According to China News, the program can be installed and uninstalled in automatic mode, restrict access to specific websites, set limits on communication hours and keep an eye on the use of sensitive words. Continue reading

Taiwan-born officer in US Navy admits revealing defence secrets

Edward Lin tells court martial he mishandled classified information in an attempt to impress women, but more serious espionage charge is dropped

The US Navy abandoned efforts to convict a Taiwan-born officer of spying for China or Taiwan, striking a plea deal on Thursday on a lesser charge that portrays him as arrogant and willing to reveal military secrets to impress women.

The agreement was a marked retreat from last year’s accusations that Lieutenant Commander Edward Lin gave or attempted to give classified information to representatives of a foreign government. Continue reading

Analysis: How serious is the Edward Lin spy case?

For the first time since 1985, when the Federal Bureau of Investigation broke the John Walker spy ring, an active United States Navy officer has been charged with espionage. On Sunday, the US Navy reported the arrest Lt. Cmdr. Edward C. Lin, who faces two counts of espionage and three counts of attempted espionage, among other charges. Aside from a three-page, heavily redacted charge sheet released by the US Navy, almost nothing is known about this case. However, there are several clues that point to the seriousness of the charges against Lin, and their potential ramifications for US national security, which are likely to be extensive. Continue reading

BREAKING: Hillary Intentionally Originated And Distributed Highly Classified Information



An analysis by The Federalist of e-mails released by the State Department late Monday shows that scores of e-mails sent by Clinton contained highly confidential national security information from the beginning, even if they weren’t marked by a classification authority until later.

The original date of classification of Hillary’s e-mails can be discerned by noting the declassification dates noted next to redactions in the e-mails. Under a 2009 executive order signed by President Barack Obama, classified material in most circumstances is to be automatically declassified after 10 years. In some instances, that duration may be extended up to 25 years. In certain circumstances, classification authorities may adjust the classification duration based on the nature of the underlying information. Continue reading

Hillary Clinton emails contained signal intelligence from spy satellites

Nobody is this incompetent. It’s at the point to where it’s intentional. Also recall who sold the Chinese high-tech supercomputers through the U.S. Department of Commerce, allowing them to modernize and expand their nuclear arsenal, which now, among a host of other deterrents can pose a serious challenge to American supremacy in the Asia-Pacific and later the Western Pacific as they continue project power while the U.S. chooses to suicidally decline.


Revelation undercuts former secretary of state’s claim she had no idea information was classified

The revelation that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails contained sensitive information derived from spy satellites and signal intelligence undercuts her defense that she had no reason to believe she was dealing with classified information, security experts say.

“If she is so ignorant that she doesn’t recognize that this type of information in the email as being classified, it just calls into question her overall competence,” Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst trained in the rules of handling government secrets, told The Washington Times. Continue reading

DOD official: Snowden ‘stole everything — literally everything’

Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden stole vastly more information than previously speculated, and is holding it at ransom for his own protection.

“What’s floating is so dangerous, we’d be behind for twenty years in terms of access (if it were to be leaked),” a ranking Department of Defense official told the Daily Caller.

“He stole everything — literally everything,” the official said. Continue reading

Report: Chinese Trojan Horse targeted defense corporations

A Chinese Trojan horse email campaign targeting some 140 senior Israeli defense corporation employees was thwarted recently, Channel 2 said in a report on Sunday evening.

According to the report, some of the defense company figures who received the email are involved in highly classified, sensitive security projects. Continue reading

Chinese Military Capable of Jamming U.S. Communications System

U.S. spy’s secrets assist Chinese electronic warfare against U.S. military data links

China’s military is using stolen U.S. military secrets obtained from a convicted spy to defeat a high-technology communications system used in joint warfighting, combined arms warfare, and missile defenses, according to U.S. officials.

The disclosure that China has the capability of jamming the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, or JTIDS, was revealed in a Chinese military technical article published in July. Continue reading

Chinese hackers caught trying to steal secrets of our new stealth fighter as tens of thousands of cyber attacks are launched on jet manufacturer every week

  • Lockheed Martin said it was being targeted by hackers from China
  • Company is building new Joint Strike Fighter which is ‘invisible’ on radar
  • Team of ‘young geeks’ battling against cyber attacks at British base

Chinese cyber spies have been caught trying to steal the secrets of Britain’s most sophisticated combat jet, The Mail on Sunday has learned.

A covert unit within the Chinese Army has been using highly sophisticated cyber weapons in a desperate attempt to acquire classified information about the stealthy Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

Manufacturer Lockheed Martin claims it is thwarting tens of thousands of computer attacks every week to keep secure secrets about the jet – due to be in service with the Royal Navy and RAF by 2018. Continue reading

US offers classified materials on missile system to Russia

US President Barack Obama’s administration may give Russia classified information on anti-missile systems, US Assistant Defense Secretary Brad Roberts said at the committee for the armed forces of the House of Representatives, Interfax reports.

George Bush’s administration had the same initiative, Roberts said. Three-star General Patrick O’Reilly, head of the anti-missile defense of the Pentagon, said that he received no requests to give classified information.

Full article: US offers classified materials on missile system to Russia (Vestnik Kavkaza)