Radioactive material reported stolen in northern Mexico

MEXICO CITY, Aug 2 (Reuters) – The theft of an unknown amount of radioactive material has prompted an alert in five Mexican states, the head of national emergency services said on Wednesday. Continue reading

Record radiation detected at Fukushima nuclear plant — Multiple locations register highest levels ever measured — “Radioactive materials in groundwater toward the ocean”

Tokyo Electric Power Company, Results of Radioactive Analysis around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:

Results of radioactive nuclide analysis for groundwater at the east side of Unit 1-4 Turbine Buildings and seawater at the port in order to monitor the source, the extent, and the effect of the radioactive materials in the groundwater toward the ocean. Continue reading

Alarm at nuclear plant after radioactive leak — “Damaged fuel in reactor” — Workers immediately evacuated from site — Reactor in “a very special condition”… Dangerous neutron flux in core reported (VIDEO)

Nils Bøhmer, nuclear physicist formerly with the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), Mar 3, 2017 (emphasis added): October 25th brought reports that there was a release of radioactive iodine from the Halden Reactor [in Norway]… The iodine emission began when the IFE [Institute for Energy Technology] should have dealt with damaged fuel in the reactor hall. This led to a release of radioactive substances via the ventilation system… The next day, the NRPA conducted an unannounced inspection of the IFE. The situation was still unresolved and radioactive released were still ongoing… The ventilation system was then shut off to limit further releases into the environment. This, in turn, created more serious problems… Continue reading

Many at Fukushima “now have brain damage” — Worker develops 3 types of cancer in a year — Secret hospital used to treat those sickened by radiation exposure — Doctor: “People cried… Can we survive?”

Kyodo News, Mar 1, 2017 (emphasis added): A former worker at the site of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster filed a lawsuit Tuesday with the Sapporo District Court seeking labor compensation from the state for his subsequent development of three types of cancer… The man was diagnosed with bladder, stomach and colon cancers between June 2012 and May 2013 after taking part in work to clear debris with heavy machinery at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex… and was exposed to 56.41 millisieverts of radiation in total, according to his written complaint. His application for labor compensation filed at a labor standards supervision office in Fukushima Prefecture was rejected in August 2013. He repeatedly filed requests for re-examination of his application but they were also rejected… But his legal team said, “It’s rare for a person to develop three types of cancer at almost the same time“… Continue reading

Officials warn mysterious radioactive cloud is spreading — Authorities ‘baffled’ over release… “Could indicate leak from nuclear plant” — Particles “very radioactive”

Jersey Evening Post, Feb 25, 2017 (emphasis added): Radioactive cloud could be heading our way — A CLOUD of mysterious radioactive particles floating across Europe… could enter Jersey airspace, Environmental Health have said… scientists have yet to work out where the radiation comes from… Caroline Maffia, assistant director of Environmental Health in Jersey, said the department was aware of the situation but 24-hour-a-day air monitors placed across the Island had not detected anything yet. CAPTION: ‘We are not picking up anything at this moment. We are slightly out of the way of where it seems to be going but depending on wind direction we could detect something here,’ said Ms Maffia. Continue reading

Why ‘radioactive’ Deutsche Bank could go nuclear at any time, experts warn

TROUBLED Deutsche Bank’s huge exposure means the firm could have a devastating impact on Europe’s financial system if it were allowed to fail, experts have warned.

Germany’s biggest bank reportedly has a $45 TRILLION (£34trn) portfolio of underlying assets that its clients are taking a position in – which equates to more than 10 times Germany’s entire GDP.

And the problem is that no one really knows what’s makes up Deutsche’s book of exposure and so-called derivatives book because it’s so opaque and complicated, according to Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets UK.

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Border Battle: TX agents now looking for terrorists smuggling radioactive material

(TRUNEWS) Texas Game Warden’s have begun training to counter the potential threat that terrorists could use the Port of Houston to smuggle radioactive material into the United States.

In an interview with local news, Tom Harvey, the Deputy Director for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Departments Communications Division, said Friday that “game wardens encounter all kinds of things on their patrols, including a lot of illegal fishing, and this [the threat of terrorists smuggling radioactive material] is a new threat we’re gearing up to be able to address.”

Harvey said that the Port of Houston has for years had radiation detectors to scan cargo, but now “we’ve acquired about a hundred devices that allow game wardens to detect radiological or nuclear emissions. These are little devices that can be worn on someone’s belt.”

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Marines prepare for worst with CBRN training drills

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. —  Marines with 2nd Transport Support Battalion are now more capable to handle a chemical weapons attack due to their completion of a chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear defense training exercise at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Dec. 1, 2015.

During the training, Marines put into practice skills they learned in classes about an active chemical threat and the proper protective equipment to decontaminate themselves in a hazardous situation. Continue reading

Fukushima, the Blob and the rise of dead marine life

(NaturalNews) The carcasses of three more marine mammals washed up on the shores of San Francisco beaches July 7, 2015. No one is sure what killed the sea creatures; however, the massive amounts of radiation leaking into the ocean from the Fukushima power plant over the past four years may bear some responsibility.

Joey DeRuy was walking along the beach Monday when he stumbled across a dead sea lion. Unperturbed, he kept walking until he came across an even bigger dead elephant seal just minutes later. Continue reading

Fukushima released 13,000,000,000 times more neutrons than initially estimated — “Obvious implication for human health” — Gov’t: “Neutron radiation is the most severe and dangerous radiation” known to mankind; Can travel great distances

Scientists from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Univ. of California San Diego & Kyushu Univ., made available Oct 16, 2014 (emphasis added):

  • We estimated a lower limit of 5.2 × 1021 slow neutrons m–2 sec–1 [m–2 sec–1 = per sq. meter per second] were emitted from the nuclear fuel rods to the sea water injected in the reactors
  • Priyadarshi et al. (2011) have estimated a release amount of 4 × 1011 slow neutrons m–2. The large difference with our estimation [13,000,000,000 times higher] comes from the intrinsic limit of the box model study by Priyadarshi et al.
  • Our model directly estimates the amount of material released from the reactor core Continue reading