Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks

China's President Xi Jinping

China’s President Xi Jinping / Getty Images


United Front Work Department conducts aggressive influence operations in U.S.

China’s Communist Party is intensifying covert influence operations in the United States that include funding Washington think tanks and coercing Chinese Americans, according to a congressional commission report.

The influence operations are conducted by the United Front Work Department, a Central Committee organ that employs tens of thousands of operatives who seek to use both overt and covert operations to promote Communist Party policies. Continue reading

CNN’s Undisclosed Ties To Fusion GPS

Neil King is seen on the left, in a photo posted by CNN reporter Evan Perez. (Screenshot/Facebook)


CNN’s reporting on the Trump-Russia dossier has left out at least one crucial fact: the close ties between the network and the opposition research firm at the center of the dossier controversy.

CNN’s reporting on the dossier, led by justice correspondent Evan Perez, has been favorable to the firm, Fusion GPS, and hyped the dossier’s credibility. Left out of Perez’s reporting, which has relied largely on unnamed sources, is his personal closeness to Fusion GPS’ operatives. Fusion has repeatedly been described in Senate testimonies as a smear-for-hire operation that manufactures misleading or false media narratives for its clients.

Glenn Simpson, the Fusion co-founder most often associated with the dossier, is used to working on stories with Perez. As reporters at The Wall Street Journal, Perez and Simpson regularly co-authored stories on national security.

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TRUNEWS EXCLUSIVE: Orlando’s Walt Disney World may be target for July 4 terrorist attack

Stay safe on the Fourth of July… no matter where you go.


VERO BEACH, FL – (TRUNEWS) Orlando’s Walt Disney World may be the target of an Islamic terrorist attack on July 4. The stunning plot is allegedly financed by a man in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) identified as “Dr. Rice.” He is also referred to as “the Sheikh.”

According to emails to city and federal officials, the UAE man offered $25 million to a former law enforcement investigator in the United States to organize the operation.

The informant contacted a Florida-based private investigator who identified himself in an email as a “former FBI operative.” The informant is also a private investigator. TRUNEWS has verified the names and the current professional employment of both men as private investigators in Florida.

The informant contacted the private investigator on May 29, 2016. The date stamp on the email was 4:23 PM. The subject line said: “like to have you in this game.”
The email text stated:

“I have recently and inadvertently come into contact with an individual who purports to be located in the UAE. I have gotten a total of 4 telephone calls from him and a boatload of whatsapp text from an associate of his of which I’ve saved all the call I.D. notations and text. This man carries a thick Indian accent. He has admitted to financing the Manchester United football stadium bombing in the U.K.”

The informant said the UAE man called him on May 18 at 2:10 PM and offered a large amount of U.S. dollars to “do some major damage here in central Florida.” The informant also said “he wants it done on the 4th of July and tells that he has 3 operatives already paid if I am not interested.” Continue reading

CIA Director Affirms Obama’s ISIS Strategy Is Not Working

No, President Barack Obama—we aren’t winning the war against the Islamic State.

The head of the CIA, John Brennan, testified on Thursday that, “Despite all our progress against [the Islamic State] on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group’s terrorism capacity and global reach.” Continue reading

Russian ‘mole’ infiltrated Western intelligence in Australia, says ex-MI5 spy

A Russian “mole” infiltrated Australia’s spy agency during the height of the Cold War, according to a British-born Australian intelligence agent who has revealed her concerns for the first time.

Molly Sasson, 92, worked for the Royal Air Force intelligence and MI5 before moving to Australia to work for Asio, the domestic spy agency.

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Is Venezuela Harboring Hezbollah?

That deadly serious question is increasingly troubling foreign policy and security experts as the South American country and Iran – which funds Hezbollah – move ever closer.

Despite deep cultural differences, a shared antagonism toward the US has drawn Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, into an unlikely political friendship in recent years. Continue reading

Iranians prepare terror campaign inside U.S.

As has been mentioned here numerous times: America has been warned time and time again, yet chooses the path of complacency while simultaneously portraying preparedness that is nothing more than a false sense of security.

“The economy is just fine, the shopping malls are still open and the terrorist bad guys are ‘over there‘ in a far off land, therefore there is no need to be concerned. Anything about sleeper cells or America being attacked again is simply fear mongering.”

If so goes todays mentality, then tomorrow’s United States will go as well.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is alive and well in the U.S. and the country’s law enforcement officials ignore them at their peril, according to former U. S. Air Force officer Steven O’Hern.

O’Hern says that the Revolutionary Guard, long an influential factor in the radical Islamic regime in Iran, does most of its surveillance and intelligence gathering through its proxy force, Hezbollah, considered by many to be a terror group. Continue reading