TRUNEWS EXCLUSIVE: Orlando’s Walt Disney World may be target for July 4 terrorist attack

Stay safe on the Fourth of July… no matter where you go.


VERO BEACH, FL – (TRUNEWS) Orlando’s Walt Disney World may be the target of an Islamic terrorist attack on July 4. The stunning plot is allegedly financed by a man in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) identified as “Dr. Rice.” He is also referred to as “the Sheikh.”

According to emails to city and federal officials, the UAE man offered $25 million to a former law enforcement investigator in the United States to organize the operation.

The informant contacted a Florida-based private investigator who identified himself in an email as a “former FBI operative.” The informant is also a private investigator. TRUNEWS has verified the names and the current professional employment of both men as private investigators in Florida.

The informant contacted the private investigator on May 29, 2016. The date stamp on the email was 4:23 PM. The subject line said: “like to have you in this game.”
The email text stated:

“I have recently and inadvertently come into contact with an individual who purports to be located in the UAE. I have gotten a total of 4 telephone calls from him and a boatload of whatsapp text from an associate of his of which I’ve saved all the call I.D. notations and text. This man carries a thick Indian accent. He has admitted to financing the Manchester United football stadium bombing in the U.K.”

The informant said the UAE man called him on May 18 at 2:10 PM and offered a large amount of U.S. dollars to “do some major damage here in central Florida.” The informant also said “he wants it done on the 4th of July and tells that he has 3 operatives already paid if I am not interested.” Continue reading

America’s most senior intelligence official has his phone, email hacked


A member of a hacker group that took responsibility for breaking into the personal email account of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency last year has now hacked the email of the most senior intelligence official in the United States. In October 2015, the hacker group referred to by its members as “Crackas With Attitude” —CWA for short— claimed it was behind the hacking of an AOL personal email account belonging to John Brennan, who heads the CIA. Less than a month later, the CWA assumed responsibility for breaking into an online portal used by US law enforcement to read arrest records and share sensitive information about crimes involving shootings. Shortly after the second CWA hack, the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued an alert to all government employees advising them to change their passwords and be cautious about suspicious emails and other phishing attempts. Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE: Los Zetas Cartel Gunmen Crossed into Texas — Disappeared into U.S.

PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila — A team of Los Zetas cartel gunmen brazenly crossed the Texas border waters of the Rio Grande in order to elude Mexican authorities who had been chasing them. Once in Texas, the Los Zetas gunmen were able to disappear into the the United States without any U.S. law enforcement agency doing anything about it. Continue reading

Experts Agree: Islamist Terrorism Has Officially “Gone Viral”

The rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) has resulted in a surge in terrorist activity across the Middle East. Just as strikingly, it has also prompted an uptick in domestic terror plots against the U.S. homeland this year. Law enforcement officers have already foiled a total of 10 terrorist plots in 2015, making it the most active period since 9/11. All the attacks, moreover, have been inspired or directed by ISIS operatives. Continue reading

Mexican cartels using new countersurveillance tech against U.S.

The U.S. has for years been flying surveillance drones along the Mexican border. Now Mexico’s drug cartels are as well. / Vocativ


Senior drug enforcement officials in Washington and along the U.S. southwest border have spotted new technologies used by Mexican drug cartels to track their trackers in U.S. law. Continue reading