US prepares to EVACUATE 230,000 Americans from South Korea as part of WW3 military drills

US army in South Korea

It is estimated that 230,000 US citizens live in South Korea [GETTY]


DONALD Trump has demanded the evacuation of US citizens from South Korea as part of a drill named Courageous Channel, military sources have revealed.

The operation, set to take place in June, will prepare for the safe exit of around 230,000 Americans in the case of conflict.

If the Pyongyang was to attack, tens of thousands of American civilians, including military dependents residing in and around the capital city of Seoul, could very well be caught in the crossfire. Continue reading

Large-scale All-Russian civil defense drill to take place from 4 to 7 October

There is war and rumors of war. Then there’s this: Actual Russian preparation for war.


Large-scale All-Russian civil defense drill to take place from 4 to 7 October

Source: Emergencies Ministry of Russia


All-Russian civil defense drill involving federal and regional executive authorities, local governments and organizations ‘Organization of civil defense during large natural and man-caused disasters in the Russian Federation’ will start tomorrow morning in all constituent territories of Russia.

The main goal of the drill is to practice organization of management during civil defense events and emergency and fire management, to check preparedness of management bodies and forces of civil defense on all levels to respond to natural and man-made disasters and to take civil defense measures.

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BREAKING NEWS: At least 11 people killed after two explosions rock Brussels Airport in ‘suicide bombing’ – as SECOND ‘terror attack’ hits Metro station in city centre

Longtime readers of this site will recall the many warnings throughout the years of Europe taking an extreme political and social right turn due to islamic terrorism. It appears the time has come where that push will be made, although, and hopefully it’s a wrong assessment, but the worst is yet to come. Europe will experience its own 9/11, or worse, and that will be the catalyst. Europe, home to the world’s most bloodiest wars, will see war again. Could what’s coming be the Biblicaly prophesied “push” referred to in Daniel 11, in the King of the North vs. the King of the South scenario? Only time will tell, but Europe’s powerhouse, Germany, is indeed building an EU Army while NATO is doing nothing and remains unprepared for war.

Updates will roll in as they come, as necessary.

Carnage: At least eleven people have died and several injured after two explosions rocked Brussels Airport in a suspected terror attack



  • Shouts ‘in Arabic’ heard before two explosions went off near the American Airlines check-in desk at 8am (7am GMT)
  • Terrified passengers covered in blood ran for their lives after explosion sent ‘shockwaves’ through terminal building
  • Reports of another explosion at a Metro station near the EU headquarters in the Maelbeek area of central Brussels
  • Evacuated passengers are being ferried onto buses and are being driven to a ‘crisis centre’ away from the airport
  • Comes a day after Belgium minister warned of revenge attacks after arrest of Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam

At least eleven people have died and several injured after two explosions rocked Brussels Airport in a suspected terror attack.

Witnesses described seeing ‘dismembered bodies everywhere’ after the blasts which are believed to have centred on the American Airlines check-in desk at around 8am (7am GMT).

There were reports that shouts in Arabic were heard in the building before the two explosion and shots were fired in the aftermath.

Around 90 minutes later, there were reports of another explosion at a Metro station near the EU headquarters in central Brussels. Continue reading

Marines Surrender Weapons Before Yemen Evacuation

U.S. Embassy Marines in Yemen handed over their M-9 pistols and M-4 carbines before evacuating the chaotic country with diplomatic personnel, the Pentagon said Wednesday.

The Marines also left behind several vehicles at the airport in the capital city of Sanaa before departing on a civilian flight, said Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.

Warren said the Marines destroyed their machine guns and other crew-served weapons before leaving the Embassy for the airport. He also said that it was unclear who now had custody of the weapons and vehicles that were surrendered. Continue reading

U.S. Navy drafts evacuation plan to ‘go afloat’ in case of Bahraini crisis

MOSCOW — The United States has been drafting plans for a rapid naval
evacuation from Bahrain.

Officials said the U.S. Navy has conducted an exercise that envisioned a
crisis in the Gulf Cooperation Council kingdom. Continue reading

Russia removes military personnel from Syria

MOSCOW: Russia has withdrawn all its military personnel from Syria and left its strategic Tartus naval centre unstaffed because of the escalating security threat in the war-torn country, the Vedomosti daily said Wednesday.

The respected business daily cited an unnamed source in the Russian defence ministry as saying that no Russian defence ministry military or civilian personnel were now present in Syria, a Soviet-era ally of Moscow. Continue reading