New NATO Chief Stoltenberg Brings Russia Ties To Job

With a background like his, one might have to ask who he works for, exactly.


OSLO, NORWAY — Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg brings close Russia ties to his new job as NATO chief, equipping him with a potentially key asset as tensions with the Kremlin hover at post-Soviet highs.

The former Norwegian prime minister — the first NATO secretary general from a country bordering Russia — is known for his good relations with President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The 55-year-old will take office on Wednesday, at a moment in history when NATO’s face-off with Russia over Ukraine has sparked tensions not seen since the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Continue reading

Spy vs. spy: 2 famous defectors on Russian super-deception

Beware those who deride Anatoliy Golitsyn. In this case, we have a ‘defector’ who does noting to disprove Golitsyn, his theories nor predictions… 94% of which came to be true. This is essentially low-level slander and a character assassination from someone who wants to discredit. Mr. Pacepa is someone who spreads disinformation in order to cover up, whitewash or distract those who are concerned about threats originating from today’s neo-Soviet Union. He could also be a disinformationist himself. During Golitsyn’s time (and even today), it’s known that the Soviet Union had also dispatched numerous fake defectors in order to make true defectors hard to believe. The proven events alone as fact today should speak for themselves.

One of the hottest books of 2013 was written by Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc official ever to defect in Cold War history, whose explosive exposé of Soviet “disinformation” strategies was turned into a blockbuster film.

However, other defectors have also tried to make Americans aware of the serious dangers posed to the West by Russia, though it is increasingly portrayed as America’s friend and ally.

One such defector was Anatoliy Golitsyn, a spy who defected in 1961 and who made over 200 predictions about specific strategies Russia would employ to deceive the West – most of them supplied to the CIA in the form of “memoranda,” and later published in a book titled, “New Lies for Old.” According to intelligence expert and author Mark Riebling, 94 percent of these predictions have come to pass. Among them:

Liberalization of the Soviet bloc (including the apparent separation of independent republics from Moscow). “Glasnost” and “Perestroika” would be deployed as buzzwords to deceive Western media.

Reunification of Germany and the demolition of the Berlin Wall. Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE: New book reveals how KGB operation seeded Muslim countries with anti-American, anti-Jewish propaganda during the 1970s, laying the groundwork for Islamist terrorism against U.S. and Israel

This would be nothing new to those who follow more in life than the Kardashians. It’s well documented that the KGB has trained other individuals such as Ayman al-Zawahiri, a key plotter and mastermind in 9/11, as well as Osama bin Laden’s Egyptian lieutenant. Consider the following:

Radical Islam was long ago infiltrated by Moscow’s agents — as evidenced by East German and Cuban support for the Saudi Islamists who attacked the Grand Mosque in 1979, as well as the KGB’s clandestine role in provoking the Iranian hostage crisis during the Carter administration (see Bodansky’s Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America, p. 9). It is therefore unlikely that the Russians would fail to identify Zawahiri (as he was the most important Egyptian terrorist in the Islamist movement). They knew they had an Arab in custody. Any Arabist in the Russian intelligence service would be able to tell an Egyptian from a local yokel. Furthermore, since Moscow was secretly supporting the Serbs against the Bosnians in Yugoslavia, the Kremlin could not have missed Zawahiri’s activities in organizing resistance to the Moscow-backed Yugoslav central government. But things are not so simple in “former” communist countries. As with the Chechen War, the civil war following the breakup of Yugoslavia has an interesting pre-history in the literature of Russian grand strategy.

In his 1982 book, We Will Bury You, Czech communist defector Jan Sejna described Moscow’s long-range strategy in detail. With reference to Yugoslavia, Sejna wrote that Moscow “intended to exploit the nationalities question by infiltrating the nationalist [i.e., Croation, Serbian and Bosnian] leadership, and to penetrate the various opposition movements….” If Yugoslavia fell into the hands of a pro-Western group, wrote Sejna, “the Russians would try to break up Yugoslavia into separate states….”

Those who are naïve about international politics will remain naïve about Ayman al-Zawahiri. He is one of those radicals calling for “maximum casualties” in America. One ought to wonder, given the number of Muslims killed by the Russians in Afghanistan and Chechnya why Zawahiri doesn’t call for “maximum casualties” in Russia. America has not invaded and occupied Muslim territory. Meanwhile Chinese and Russian troops stand guard over the Islamic people of Central Asia.

For additional information, see this link: KGB Admit AlZawahiri KGB Trained in 1998

The highest-ranking Soviet-bloc intelligence officer ever to defect to the West claims in a new book that anti-American Islamic terrorism had its roots in a secret 1970s-era KGB plot to harm but the United States and Israel by seeding Muslim countries with carefully targeted propaganda.

Yuri Andropov, the KGB chief for 15 years before he became the Soviet premier, sent hundreds of agents and thousands of copies of propaganda literature to Muslim countries. Continue reading

What We Can Learn from Communist Eastern Europe About Contemporary American Life

Double Reality was the situation under Communist rule in which one knew that everything was terrible but was daily  assaulted with the message that everything was wonderful. An important difference between the West today and the Soviet bloc experience from the late 1940s up to 1989 is that we at least can complain without getting hauled off to a reeducation camp.

What we also have in the West, however, is the implementation of a left-wing idea that supposedly applied to democratic capitalist society. The Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse called it “repressive tolerance” while the extreme leftist philologist Noam Chomsky called the other side of the equation, “manufacturing consent.”

In short, for the far left today,which has more power in the United States than ever before and arguably the same point applies (at least in the intellectual sphere) to Western Europe, Marcuse’s concept covers the side of, Let them talk but keep people from listening. The dissenters are ridiculed, their ideas distorted, they are accused of thought crimes, and when possible are ignored completely Continue reading