Russia’s Pearl Harbor 2.0 Asymmetrical War Plans, Gulftainer, Club-K, and EMP

For further information on the Club-K system, attacks on America from within America, please see the following previous articles:




Translations from a Russian defense journal and from a secret Iranian military handbook suggest that Russia and Iran have developed a Pearl Harbor 2.0 plan to sink the entire U.S. Navy fleet as part of coordinated asymmetrical attacks against the United States and U.S. military bases around the world.

The plan is to launch Russian Kalibr cruise missiles from submarines, freighter ships, and Trojan Horse Club-K Container Missile System intermodal cargo “containers” that can be smuggled into U.S. ports and moved into the U.S. interior aboard trains and semi-trucks.

In 2015 the Russian journal “Natsionalnaya Oborona (translation: National Defense) outlined a plan to “hit them in their ports” with Kalibr cruise missiles that could sink entire US Navy fleets docked in ports across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Continue reading

Gulftainer, US Ports and the Club-K Missile System

One of the most dangerous issues nobody in America is taking on. The EMP threat to America, already barely covered, has been covered 100 times more.

Less than 1% of the millions of containers coming into the nation are ever inspected. Thus, we have no idea what has come into the country already and what is coming in as we speak. More importantly, our missile defense systems are pointed outwards. If something were to get inside the country and loaded onto a train, tractor trailer, etc.. It could be in the middle of the nation and we’d never know it. Imagine all that with Klub-Ks thrown into the factor. There is no way of defending a missile attack launched within the United States.

America is not untouchable and can fall within one hour with a well planned and coordinated attack.

Previous articles regarding the Club-K missile system:



Center VP for Research & Analysis Clare Lopez discusses Gulftainer, Port Canaveral, Port of Wilmington, DE , CFIUS and the Club K container cruise missile launch system, on “The Hard Question” with Blanquita Cullum. Continue reading

We could have shipping containers full of foreign nukes in our ports and not know it

For more on the subject of foreign shipping container nukes within the U.S., please see the following previous posts:

THE REAL RUSSIA STORY — Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals connected through the Jafars

Were the Russians Hiding a Nuke in D.C.?

Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows

Expert: Iran ships a dry run for later nuclear/EMP attack; humiliate Obama


Two occasional papers were recently published by the Center for Security Policy.  The first, entitled “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?,” was published in late 2016.  The second, “The Perfect Storm,” was published in 2017.  Both papers describe a 35-year lease to a cargo container terminal on the eastern seaboard of the United States.  The peculiar discoveries in the papers made by investigative journalists Mary Fanning and Alan Jones have not received the national media attention they warrant.

In 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based company Gulftainer was awarded a three-and-a-half decade lease to operate the cargo container terminal at Port Canaveral, Florida.  The peculiarity of this acquisition rests on the fact that Gulftainer is co-owned by the emir of Sharjah, UAE, and Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, who is the brother of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear mastermind.  During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Dr. Jafar was an official of the Iraqi regime who could have been engaged as a military target.

Why is this alarming?  In part, it is because Dr. Jafar has also been credited with the design of a miniaturized nuclear weapon, commonly known as the “Beach Ball.”  North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has appeared standing by a similarly purported nuclear weapon in recent photographs.  This type of nuclear weapon can easily fit inside the nosecone of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and can cause the kind of catastrophic damage the United States has never seen.

The danger to America is not just that Gulftainer is co-owned the family of Saddam Hussein’s top nuclear mastermind, Dr. Jafar, and the emir of Sharjah, but also that Gulftainer is also in a joint venture with Kontsern-Morinformsistem-Agat, the Russian company that makes the Club-K missile launch system.  The Club-K system looks identical to standard ocean containers that are shipped by the billions all over the world.  The alarming difference between the ordinary cargo containers is evident by what’s found on the inside of the Club-K containers.  Four cruise missiles are housed in each Club-K system and can be launched directly from the container – even remotely.

Continue reading

THE REAL RUSSIA STORY — Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals connected through the Jafars

What the America’s leaders essentially have likely allowed is Russian nuclear weapons within the United States. Let that sink in the next time someone laughs and says America won’t or can’t be successfully attacked by the Russians and Chinese, or the Iranians. The average person can only foresee planes, ships and nuclear weapons from afar coming over, when in fact Russia could have a nuclear trojan horse already inside the gates. The Chinese version of what the Russians are doing can be linked to its state-owned COSCO company, which has hundreds, if not thousands of shipping containers within the United States — as well as management controlling key shipping ports like the one in Los Angeles.

JFK also spoke of a Russian nuclear bomb in an embassy within Washington, D.C. during his tenure:

Were the Russians Hiding a Nuke in D.C.?

More on the Club-K Container system can be read about under the following previous posts:

Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows

Expert: Iran ships a dry run for later nuclear/EMP attack; humiliate Obama



Gulftainer is connected to the Uranium One deal.

Gulftainer is the Iraqi Jafar family’s UAE-based ports company that is tightly connected to Russia and Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons programs.

In 2014 the Obama administration awarded Gulftainer a 35-year lease to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal in a secret deal code-named “Project Pelican.”

Continue reading

Secret Deal for Mid-East Company to Operate Port Terminal in Florida

Port Canaveral


Sharjah, a UAE Port Operator, has acquired a 35-year concession at Port Canaveral, Florida, pictured above, near one of our naval bases. They will operate a container and multi-purpose cargo terminal. The administration did not conduct a full national security review as a condition of the deal.

Diane Sori has an article on the Dryer Report titled, “Selling off control of America one piece at a time”, about the recent $100 million concession awarded to Gulftainer with more details. Continue reading