‘Time to rip off the Band-Aid’: Reports point to FBI spy in Trump campaign, MI5 involvement


MI5 headquarters


The FBI appears to have successfully inserted a spy into the Trump campaign, reports say.

“When the FBI talks about a source, they talk about someone who is an average citizen who uses their credentials, their job as a way of spying for the agency,” the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel reported.

“We can take that to mean that there was somebody interacting with the Trump campaign and reporting back to the FBI, which means the FBI was using human intelligence to spy on a presidential campaign.” Continue reading

Is the FBI Plotting its Revenge Over Memo?


A Former CIA Counterterrorism Official Has Told CNN That ‘We’re Going To Win.’

That senior officials in the FBI and intelligence community were outraged by the release of the House Intelligence Committee’s four-page memo on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant abuse was a given, but a recent guess on CNN suggests the war against President Donald Trump is about to get much worse as a result. Continue reading

I am a conservative peacenick: Do you want war with Russia?

It must be very lonely at the top for President Trump right about now. There’s almost nobody in his administration that he can trust. To put in perspective how bad the level of trust might be, his own son-in-law Jared Kushner (previous owner of the anti-Trump New York Observer) is bankrolled by George Soros.

Both Kushner and Soros are part of the establishment that wants war. They couldn’t fraudulently get Hillary into the White House and now they’re placing key people in key positions within the Trump administration. He has got the wrong advisors on his side and he’s getting rid of the good ones.

Why on earth Kushner is allowed to stay in the White House while Steve Bannon who fought against the ‘deep state’ and further war gets the boot is beyond understanding. It’s likely because he doesn’t want to hurt Ivanka’s feelings. Either way, President Trump had either joined sides with the ‘deep state’ or is under siege. A smarter bet would be on the latter as America is under a coup against the Presidency.

The sad part about all of this is members of Trump’s own family are working against him — even Ivanka who has been in secret meetings with Planned Parenthood to find ‘common ground’… Common ground in what, the murder of God’s children? There is no common ground there.

Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both.

Proverbs 17:15

This might upset a few people, but the Trump revolution might already be over. We’ll have to maybe wait and see for another couple of weeks to verify.

Lastly, Trump needs to be reminded he was voted into office on his campaign promise of draining the swamp, not expanding it.


All day we’re talking about the Nuclear Option. Nuclear Option? What happens when the world goes nuclear? Today, the Congress decided to go nuclear … that is use the so called Nuclear Option to blow up the filibuster for a straight up or down vote on Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch. Even though Harry Reid started using the Nuclear Option in 2013 on lower court judges and Democrats and the media were all for it, now they’re acting like the world is coming to an end.

But they’re ignoring a possibility of the world really coming to an end.

Democrats have been poking the Russian bear since Trump won the election. The constant accusations of them fixing our election is not making them friendly towards us in the least. And why are they doing it? Because Trump said he could work with them?

But it doesn’t stop there. People in Trump’s own sphere are turning him towards the beating war drums. Dems and the establishment GOP both handcuffed loyal Trump advisers like Jeff Sessions, and now Devin Nunes, to take themselves out of any investigations on the Russia conspiracy. Steve Bannon, a close adviser is asked to step down from his NSC role. Continue reading

Terror: United States Faces ‘Highest Threat Level’

Thousands of sleeper cells have already been reported to be throughout the United States for years now and are waiting for the green light. We’ve been repeatedly warned. We’ve been repeatedly warned. See this, this, this and this as an example of something the terrorists have planned which is dubbed “American Hiroshima”.


The United States is now facing the highest threat level the country has ever seen, according to the House Intelligence Committee.

Continue reading