EU takes first steps to withdraw Poland’s voting rights



EU bullies governments who refuse to toe the line.

Yesterday, the EU took its first step towards revoking Poland’s voting rights at the European Council, in response to the country’s alleged ‘breach of fundamental EU values. Continue reading

Visegrad Group: EU Must Reform or Risk Breaking Up


The Visegrad Group (V4), made up of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, has hit out at the European Union saying it must reform to reflect the wishes of all Member States, or risk breaking up completely. Continue reading

Hungary and Poland United Against EU


They’re fed up of being dictated to from afar.

Hungary and Poland are united against Brussels. Continue reading

US PREPARES FOR WAR: Tanks OPEN FIRE towards Russia as troops line border

tanks russia poland america
The American tanks began live firing exercises in Poland to ward off Putin [COVERIMAGES]


AMERICAN tanks have opened fire in the direction of Russia amid fears of all out war.

Heavily-armed US military personnel were rushed to Poland’s border with Russia to warn Vladimir Putin against another Ukrainian-style land grab. Continue reading

Poland to push for ‘radical’ new EU treaty

This isn’t the same European superpower vision as the Germans have. This is a distinct Polish vision of a European superpower where Germans would be kicked out of power. It would be difficult to see the Polish plan work because the Fourth Reich runs the show. Germany is the powerhouse of Europe.

Either way, however it works out in the end, a United States of Europe is still coming. We are told the next and final kingdom before God’s kingdom will be of iron mixed with clay, which makes differing neighbors a given.

What’s been reported here for five years is now in the open. It’s Bible prophecy in the making, in real time.


The EU should have a new treaty that shifts power from the European Commission to EU states and Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk should resign, Poland has indicated ahead of Tuesday’s (28 June) summit.

Polish foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski told press on Monday that prime minister Beata Szydlo would likely outline Poland’s post-Brexit vision at the leaders’ dinner.

“These proposals are quite radical. We are thinking about a new European treaty and to give the main power in the EU to the European Council, not the commission,” he said. Continue reading

US commander warns NATO couldn’t repel Russian Baltic invasion

NATO would currently be unable to protect the Baltics against a Russian attack, the commander of US ground forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges, said in a news report Wednesday.

“Russia could take over the Baltic states faster than we would be able to defend them,” Hodges was quoted as saying in a German-language article by news weekly Die Zeit.

The general said he agreed with an assessment by military analysts who claimed that Russian forces could conquer the capitals of Baltic states Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia within 36 to 60 hours. Continue reading

Germany, Migrants and the Big Lie

Caption: Syrian migrants arriving in Munich acknowledge the role of Chancellor Angela Merkel in inviting them into Germany. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)



Muslim migrants are flooding Germany with problems. German leaders want to cover it up; German citizens want different leaders

Germans are being lied to by their government. By Angela Merkel, by their police force and even by their media. For most of 2015, many suspected as much. Those suspicions were confirmed in the most dramatic possible way in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

That night, a mob of around 1,000 migrants gathered outside Cologne’s central train station and began molesting, robbing and even raping passersby. As of January 14, 652 crimes were reported to Cologne police from that evening. Of those, 331 included alleged sexual offenses, including two rapes.

A leaked police report stated that “[w]omen literally had to run the gauntlet through the mass of drunk men, in a way you can’t describe.” One person talked about how he arrived at the station and saw “countless weeping women.” Continue reading

Right-wing populists win outright majority in Poland

The right-wing Law and Justice party swept back to power in Polish elections on Sunday (25 October), winning an absolute majority of 232 seats in the 460-seat parliament, based on exit polls.

The result marks the end of eight years of rule by the centre-right Civic Platform party.

With Law and Justice having won presidential elections in May, it also marks the first time in Poland’s post-Communist history that the same party controls both levers of state. Continue reading