Colorado Set to ‘Kill the Constitution’

(Photo Credit: Public Domain)


With the governor’s signature, it will become the 12th state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Gov. Jared Polis’ signature is all that is needed to add Colorado to the growing list of states—mostly those under Democrat control—that have joined an interstate agreement aimed at destroying the Electoral College.

So far, 11 states and the District of Columbia have agreed to pool their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote, regardless of their state vote tallies. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact doesn’t go into effect until enough states have signed on to constitute a majority of the Electoral College, which would be 270 votes. The 11 states and D.C. so far constitute 172—Colorado would make it 181. Continue reading

The Clock Is Ticking On The U.S. Dollar As World’s Reserve Currency

The View From Hubbert’s Peak

In 1971, the American President put an end to a 2,500 year trend; the Wall Street Journal called it “Nixon’s Worst Weekend.” Considering the old boy had some really bad ones, this must have been something special. In August of that year (on Friday the 13th) it was decided that the U.S. would no longer pay out gold for its paper dollars. OPEC Ministers took note, and in September they met, deciding it would be necessary to collect more paper dollars, if possible, since gold was no longer on offer and oil was the only asset they had to sell.

The Wizard of Oz

The ultimate irony for this generation of investors is that, despite the occasional obligatory chant about ‘free markets’ and the wonders of capitalism, most of the day is spent obsessing about what the world’s most important central planner will do next. By Supreme Central Planner, I mean, the Fed. Continue reading