Trump: A New Vision of the Middle East

Trump and Macron at the White House. Emulating his French counterpart, the US president kept repeating: “I do what I say.” Photo: Wikimedia Commons.


  • The US president, branded as “unpredictable,” has received the fiercest criticism; but a foreign policy is measured by its results.

The last Trump-Macron Summit was a masterpiece of communication. The two men multiplied their signs of complicity and intimacy in front of the cameras. To indicate the strength of their relationship, The French president even declared, “We are two Mavericks.” In addition, both criticized the difficulties imposed by the political system, while emphasizing that they have never been politicians to be used, nor were they part of a partisan machine. Continue reading

Gertz: Trump Set Back Years of Chinese Efforts to Achieve Hegemony in Asia


Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz described President Donald Trump on Wednesday as “unpredictable” and argued that he set back years of Chinese efforts to dominate Asia.

“Trump has set back eight years of Chinese efforts to achieve hegemony over all of Asia basically,” Gertz told Newsmax host Bill Tucker during a discussion on North Korea. Continue reading

Russia: ‘Trump is more impulsive and unpredictable’ than NK

Russia: ‘Trump is more impulsive and unpredictable’ than NK

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin gestures during an interview with Time magazine in the presidential residence Novo-Ogaryovo outside Moscow


According to Dmitry Kiselyov, the Kremlin’s top TV mouthpiece, it isn’t going to be the evil dictator Kim Jong-Un who could possibly bring about WW3. The opinion of Russian TV outlets is that, Donald Trump is the wildcard that could spark the next war. Continue reading

U.S. Military Unprepared for Multiplying Threats Abroad

In the foreword to the 2015 National Military Strategy (NMS), Gen. Martin Dempsey, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, writes that the “global security environment is the most unpredictable I have seen in 40 years of service.”“Since the last National Military Strategy was published in 2011, global disorder has significantly increased while some of our comparative military advantage has begun to erode,” he adds.

“When read alongside its predecessor, the 2011 NMS, the new version testifies to the array of strategic surprises that have confronted the Obama administration in recent years,” wrote David Adesnik, policy director at the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI). Continue reading

US Losing Military Edge in a World of Growing Chaos

America has for far too long focused all its concentration on chasing an endless supply of terrorists in the Middle East, which are proxies of the Soviet Union designed to distract and drain economic and strategic resources, all while it rearms and modernizes.


Pentagon warns that civil wars, collapsed states and new wars have increased instability around the world while the US military advantage of other countries has declined.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Civil wars, collapsed states and new wars have increased instability around the world while the US military advantage of other countries has declined, the US Department of Defense’s new 2015 National Military Strategy warned.

“[G]global disorder has significantly increased while some of our comparative military advantage has begun to erode,” the document released on Wednesday said. “We now face multiple, simultaneous security challenges from traditional state actors and trans-regional networks of sub-state groups.” Continue reading