Reports: Obama paid $1.7 billion ‘ransom’ to Iran for hostages’ release

The Obama administration has paid a “ransom” of $1.7 billion in U.S. taxpayers’ funds to Iran for the release of American hostages, critics and Iran officials said.

The administration insists the payment was a decades-old legal settlement with Teheran and was not tied to the recent release of five American hostages, according to a report by the Washington Free Beacon. The payment was made to Iran prior to the hostages being freed. Continue reading

U.S. to Fund Russian Nuclear Security Despite Ukraine Sanctions

Not only has America been sold New Lies for Old and been lulled into a false sense of security via Soviet Perestroika Deception, it has continued a decades long capitulation to Russia’s nuclear blackmail game.

Send the money over, or… “oops, the terrorists ‘accidentally’ get a hold of the nuclear weapons grade material.”

This is how long-term plans for an American Hiroshima happen, where numerous large American cities are lit on fire from coast to coast.

What’s worse is that America is funding the Russian military modernization, even the nuclear weapons modernization. It’s helping create the rope from which itself will be hanged.

America needs not only to wake up, but act, and very soon.


Over $60 million in non-proliferation aid planned

The Energy Department plans to spend more than $60 million in Russia for nuclear security activities at the same time U.S. and European Union sanctions are punishing Moscow for aggression against Ukraine.

The Energy Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), which is in charge of nuclear arms and nuclear security, has budgeted the funds to be spent this year through an international organization called the Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Program in Russia (MNEPR), a little-known group, said administration officials familiar with the funding plan.

It is not clear how the funds will be used. One official said talks between U.S. and Russian officials were held earlier this year regarding a program to remove nuclear material dumped in the Arctic Ocean by the Russians as waste fuel. A second official said the funds would be used for an array of talks and other “feel good” measures on nuclear nonproliferation with the Russians. Continue reading

The Great Italian Auto Bailout — Courtesy of U.S. Taxpayers

At the beginning of 2014, Detroit may be bankrupt, but they’re cheering the five-year-old U.S. auto bailout in Italy. That’s because after being the beneficiary of billions in U.S. taxpayer largesse, Fiat, the leading Italian auto company, is going to buy its final stake in Chrysler from that other big bailout recipient, the United Auto Workers (UAW).

“Chrysler’s Now Fully an Italian Auto Company,” reads the Time magazine online headline. But wait a minute! Wasn’t the bailout supposed to be about saving the American auto industry? Continue reading

Mysterious China-themed ‘city’ proposed in New York’s Catskills

U.S. immigration officials are considering a proposal from Chinese investors to create a multibillion-dollar development in New York’s Catskills called “China City” — raising concerns among critics about the potential cost to U.S. taxpayers and, according to one analyst, the possibility it could be a “stalking horse” for the Beijing government.

A spokesman from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services told that the proposal for Thompson, N.Y., has not been approved but is under consideration. Continue reading