Putin’s July 4th Message

It was only just last June when Russia pulled its nuclear bombers up 50 miles away from the California coastline.

Most would think “So what?” Well, here’s what… Should they be armed, they don’t even need to be 50 miles or 200 miles away. Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco will be erased in minutes by nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. There is absolutely no defense against that.

As America has bought New Lies for Old and fallen for the Perestroika Deception, it has been lulled into a false sense of security. It will only take one such military operation disguised as a “training exercise”, as we’ve now witnessed several times, to carry out a successful first strike. Perhaps this is also why the Pentagon is preparing a cruise missile shield to protect itself from Russia, which may be too little and too late.

Then you ask “Yeah, but what about the American nuclear deterrent?” Well, here’s what: It’s still ran on floppy-disk era electronics and the missile silo crews have seen attrition and corruption like never before. They’ve also been plagued by cheating scandals, purging and the deterrent risks being hacked as well. Not to mention random SNAFUs and security test failures. There are simply two many cracks showing which indicate the American nuclear deterrent is in crisis and close to being fully compromised.

From an objective POV, Russia is clearly nearing checkmate (first strike) capability and the sword is coming to America. It’s increasingly difficult to argue otherwise.


Russian nuclear-capable bombers intercepted near West Coast in second U.S. air defense zone intrusion in two weeks

Two Russian strategic nuclear bombers entered the U.S. air defense zone near the Pacific coast on Wednesday and were met by U.S. interceptor jets, defense officials told the Free Beacon.

It was the second time Moscow dispatched nuclear-capable bombers into the 200-mile zone surrounding U.S. territory in the past two weeks.

An earlier intrusion by two Tu-95 Bear H bombers took place near Alaska as part of arctic war games that a Russian military spokesman said included simulated attacks on “enemy” air defenses and strategic facilities. Continue reading

With a series of major hacks, China builds a database on Americans

China is building massive databases of Americans’ personal information by hacking government agencies and U.S. health-care companies, using a high-tech tactic to achieve an age-old goal of espionage: recruiting spies or gaining more information on an adversary, U.S. officials and analysts say.

Groups of hackers working for the Chinese government have compromised the networks of the Office of Personnel Management, which holds data on millions of current and former federal employees, as well as the health insurance giant Anthem, among other targets, the officials and researchers said.

“They’re definitely going after quite a bit of personnel information,” said Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of ThreatConnect, a Northern Virginia cybersecurity firm. “We suspect they’re using it to understand more about who to target [for espionage], whether electronically or via human ­recruitment.” Continue reading

How the U.S. thinks Russians hacked the White House

When the Department of Homeland Security mentions the Russians have infected critical industrial control systems with malware, it’s nearly over for America.

They are able to do this through SCADA systems which has been mentioned here as early as 2013 in the following previous posts:

UPDATE 3: U.S. probes cyber attack on water system

Exclusive: Cyberattack leaves natural gas pipelines vulnerable to sabotage

The threat is real, now in motion and eerily resembles ‘grey terror’ as described in Viktor Suvorov’s book, “Spetsnaz: the story behind the Soviet SAS” during the ‘oveture’ phase in chapter 15, titled Spetsnaz’s First World War.

The sword draws closer to America every day.

Please see the source link for the video.


Washington (CNN) Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that perch to penetrate sensitive parts of the White House computer system, according to U.S. officials briefed on the investigation.

While the White House has said the breach only ever affected an unclassified system, that description belies the seriousness of the intrusion. The hackers had access to sensitive information such as real-time non-public details of the president’s schedule. While such information is not classified, it is still highly sensitive and prized by foreign intelligence agencies, U.S. officials say.

Continue reading

Chinese airplane enters Japanese airspace over Senkakus for 1st time

A Chinese government airplane entered Japanese airspace over the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Thursday in the first such airspace intrusion in Japan, prompting an immediate protest from the Japanese government.

The Air Self-Defense Force scrambled F-15 fighter jets to the area after one of China’s State Oceanic Administration airplanes was spotted at 11:06 a.m. about 15 kilometers south of Uotsuri Island, one of the Japanese-administered Senkakus claimed by China, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters.

It is the first-ever intrusion by China into Japanese airspace since Tokyo started tallying the number of such intrusions in 1958, according to the Defense Ministry. Continue reading