A Chinese Spy Worked In Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Office For Twenty Years



We can only imagine the twenty-four hour media blitz that would be unleashed if this had happened with the Trump campaign, or on anyone’s staff even remotely associated  with President Trump past or present.

But when the story first broke in the middle of this week of a mole working on behalf of the Russian Chinese government on a powerful Democrat Senate Intelligence Committee member’s staff, it passed in the mainstream media with a yawn, and though slowly gaining visibility still hasn’t been covered by some of the large cable networks or newspapers.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was “mortified” upon learning that a Chinese spy had worked in her office for nearly 20 years. Continue reading

Lack of Security Intelligence is Allowing Chinese Spy Rings to Grow in the U.S.

On April 21, 2016, federal authorities formally charged 53-year old Amin Yu on an 18-count indictment for being a Chinese spy. She had operated discretely within the United States (U.S.) from 2002 until February 2014, and had supplied China with resources to develop their own underwater drone program.

Authorities believe Yu obtained submersible materials including underwater cables, connectors, and sonar from U.S., Canadian, and European and illegally exported it to Harbin Engineering University (HEU), a state-owned university in China.  HEU conducts research and development (R&D) for the Chinese government and military. Continue reading

Chinese General Calls for Attack on American Finances



We have long warned that Unrestricted Warfare was underway and that its initial attack would be on our markets and finance. This was the strategy outlined in 1999 by two Senior Colonels in a book published by PLA Press, the official publisher of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). One of the authors of that 17-year old book just wrote an op-ed calling for an attack on American finances, according to an article in the Epoch Times:

Chinese General Says ‘Contain the United States’ by Attacking Its Finances

A major general in the Chinese military is calling for China to contain the United States by attacking its finances.

“That’s the way to control America’s lifeblood,” writes Maj. Gen. Qiao Liang, a professor at the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University, in an op-ed published in China Military Online, the official mouthpiece of the PLA.

“To effectively contain the United States, other countries shall think more about how to cut off the capital flow to the United States while formulating their strategies,” he writes.

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Chinese SPY tried to get into Queen’s royal carriage during state visit


The spy tried to get into the royal carriage with the Queen and Xi Jinping


Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II was pictured riding in the gilded horse drawn coach with Xi along Horse Guards Parade last week, blissfully unaware of the danger she could have been in.

The Chinese agent posed as an official interpreter in a reported attempt to get inside the carriage with The Queen and her guest.

But he was thwarted by members of the diplomatic protection squad – an elite group from Scotland Yard tasked with providing 24-hour security for the royal family and other VIPs in London – who realised something wasn’t quite right.

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China Stealing State Secrets

Benjamin Bishop, a defense contractor with top secret clearance, was arrested on March 15 for passing on state secrets to a 27-year-old Chinese spy. The severe breach in national security shows that beyond losing information via Chinese hackers, more traditional methods of espionage, such as the “honey pot,” are continuing to take their toll.

Mr. Bishop was compromised when he met the young woman during a conference on international military defense issues. The name of the woman has not been released, but is referred to as “Person 1.” What is known is that Person 1 was living in Hawaii on a student visa, and was most likely at the military meeting to target people such as Mr. Bishop, who have access to classified information. Continue reading