Photos show new N. Korea nuclear test tunnel: US think tank

Recent satellite imagery suggests North Korea is excavating a new tunnel at its main nuclear test site, although there are no indications that a test in imminent, a US think tank said Thursday.

The tunnel is in a new area of the Punggye-ri site, separate from three other tunnels that the North has excavated or used for actual tests in the post, the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said. Continue reading

Princess Diana assassination plot claim soldier spoke to wife of ‘hit’ after SAS gave Prince William driving lessons

Other related articles of interest:

EXCLUSIVE: SAS’s lamping unit ‘used laser to dazzle Princess Diana’s driver’

DONAL MACINTYRE INVESTIGATION: ‘Spies taped Diana’s crash and bugged her phone’

A face encounter with Prince William prompted an SAS soldier to make the extraordinary claim that Princess Diana was murdered by a member of the elite unit.

After taking William on an SAS advanced ­driving course in 2008, the former sniper, known only as Soldier N, went home and confided to his wife that Diana was assassinated in an alleged plot.

He calmly told his wife that she was killed when a bright light was shone into the Paris tunnel ­moments before the crash. Continue reading

Pakistan Enters Strategic Alliance with China

This is a very important development in global geopolitics and it has very unfavorable implications for the USA, India and their allies. As you read about this, ask yourself if you heard or read anything about this extremely-important event on what are called “news” TV channels in the USA.

Pakistan, which has been called an “ally” of the USA in the “war on terrorism” has just thrown in its lot with China and dumped the USA as an ally. In truth, I don’t think the Pakistani-American alliance has actually existed for some time, but both nations were willing to pretend it was an alliance as long as Pakistan did a few favors for the USA (such as allowing the USA to supply its troops in Afghanistan via an arduous overland route via Pakistan) in exchange for billions of dollars from the USA–which were likely fantasy dollars turned into real dollars by the legerdemain of the US Federal Reserve Board. The US-Pakistani alliance, like a really bad marriage, is now coming apart. Pakistan has a new ally and partner–Communist China. The Pakistan’s leader declared to the Chinese leader that the new Chinese-Pakistani friendship is “higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the deepest sea in the world, and sweeter than honey.” That language is so affectionate I think these two nations “ought to get a room.” Continue reading

North Korea warns of ‘dark cloud of war’ as South begins naval drills ahead of ‘imminent’ nuclear test

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean and U.S. troops began naval drills Monday in a show of force partly directed at North Korea amid signs that Pyongyang will soon follow through on a threat to conduct its third atomic test.

North Korea’s state media said Sunday that at a high-level Workers’ Party meeting, leader Kim Jong Un issued “important” guidelines meant to bolster the army and protect national sovereignty. North Korea didn’t elaborate, but Kim’s guidelines likely refer to a nuclear test and suggest that Pyongyang appears to have completed formal procedural steps and is preparing to conduct a nuclear test soon, according to South Korean analyst Hong Hyun-ik. Continue reading