Report: Democrats colluded with Russians to defeat Trump, damage his administration

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff read from the discredited Christopher Steele dossier extensively at a March hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.


While the major media continues to hunt for the tiniest scrap of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, Democrats openly tried to derail Donald Trump’s campaign and, when that proved unsuccessful, his agenda as president, using a phony dossier whose author got his disinformation from – Russia.

Democrats have widely circulated the discredited dossier by ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who was paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton supporter.

“If anyone colluded with the Russians, it was the Democrats,” a former Trump campaign adviser who asked not to be identified because of the pending investigations, told Rowan Scarborough in a July 11 report for The Washington Times. Continue reading