Mass die-off ongoing along US West Coast — TV: “It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this… Reports coming in every day” — Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts… New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)

Please see the source for the videos.



KRON, Apr 13, 2017 (emphasis added): A troubling trend – sharks and other marine life are washing up on Bay Area shorelines. First, it was Santa Cruz, and now, it’s the Peninsula… dead sharks were found washed up Thursday morning… Experts say similar reports are coming in every day, and it’s not clear why all the marine life is washing up… [T]he Pelagic Shark Foundation in Santa Cruz is pleading with Bay Area people to be alert on walks and report to them immediately.

KRON transcript, Apr 13, 2017: “There are a lot of small dead sharks that have been found, just today… it’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this.” Continue reading

75% of world’s fish have been wiped out by mankind … Collapse of marine ecosystems now imminent

(NaturalNews) Many people point their fingers at climate change, underwater weapons testing, ocean quakes and biodiversity, as reasons behind the collapse of the marine ecosystem. While there’s something to be said for these issues as contributing factors in the decline of marine life, the fact remains that the ongoing after-effects of Fukushima’s radiation plays a significant role too. Continue reading

SURPRISE! You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood

All other pictures, diagrams and charts can be found at the source.



Americans and Canadians have been eating radioactive fish filled with bloody, cancerous tumors, as a result of contamination with radiation in the Pacific ocean from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

In March, 2011 an earthquake off the coast of Japan caused a Tsunami which hit the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, causing three reactors to melt down and explode.

As you may notice in the images above, the Fukushima Daichi Power Plant is located on the coastline of Japan. Like all coastlines, the ground slopes toward the ocean. This created a problem that the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) didn’t tell anyone about until a full YEAR after the disaster took place: Ground water, flowing from inland, was seeping beneath the blown-up rectors, coming into contact with the melted-down reactor cores, becoming highly radioactive, then flowing into the Pacific Ocean. 300 Ton of this radioactive water has been seeping into the Pacific Ocean EVERY DAY since March 15, 2011. Nothing has stopped it and the flow continues to this very day, October 31, 2015. Here’s how it is taking place:

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Half of Marine Life Has Died Since 1970

For an active global list and archive of animal deaths, please see here.


New research has led to the shocking discovery that half of the world’s marine life has been killed off since 1970. Some of the greatest declines were in fish types critical to human consumption, the World Wildlife Fund (wwf) warned in a report released on September 15.

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