CIA Director Met High-Level North Korean Defector

CIA Director Mike Pompeo

CIA Director Mike Pompeo / Getty Images


Pompeo discussed insurrection against Kim Jong Un during S. Korea visit

CIA Director Mike Pompeo discussed the potential for fomenting an insurrection against the Kim Jong Un regime in North Korea with a high-level defector, according to U.S. intelligence officials.

The meeting between Pompeo and Thae Yong Ho, one of the highest-ranking North Korean officials to defect to South Korea, took place during the CIA director’s visit to South Korea earlier this month. Continue reading

China said likely to have provided North Korea with submarine missile

Bruce Bechtol, a North Korea analyst at Angelo State University in Texas, said the North’s SLBM, known as KN-11, looks like a “carbon copy” of China’s JL-1 submarine missile. … Continue reading