China said likely to have provided North Korea with submarine missile

Bruce Bechtol, a North Korea analyst at Angelo State University in Texas, said the North’s SLBM, known as KN-11, looks like a “carbon copy” of China’s JL-1 submarine missile. … Continue reading

China’s New Colossal Missile Launcher Revealed

China has constructed a new mobile missile launcher possibly intended to carry its new anti-ship missile. Earlier this month pictures of a new Transporter Erector Launch (TEL) vehicle was seen driving on the streets of China. Continue reading

Chinese Motorists Spot Enormous New Missile Transport and Launch Vehicle


Chinese drivers have recently spotted a new version of the vehicle, which appears similar to the military’s standard TEL, except that the latest model is “much, much larger,” according to Popular Science.

“There’s an extended section above the first and second axles, which would likely hold additional personnel and equipment for missile launch and flight corrections. Also, it has a satellite communications dome, suggesting that it requires higher bandwidth for datalinks necessary to operate a more sophisticated missile,” Popular Science reported. Continue reading

China’s Newest Missile Set for VJ Day Parade

DF-16s going on a tour

China is quickly upgrading its formidable missile forces to match advances in defense technologies. While existing Chinese forces make use of anti-air and ballistic to deny access around large portions of airspace, ocean and land bordering China, newer missiles will be more effective against elements of America’s Air Sea Battle concept, like stealthy drones, and mobile enemy targets like anti-ship missile launchers.

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