Royal Navy’s new HMS Queen Elizabeth can be ‘DISABLED’ by CHEAP missiles, think tank warns

HMS Queen Elizabeth on sea trials

HMS Queen Elizabeth could be vulnerable to attack by missiles (EPA)


THE Royal Navy’s new £3billion aircraft carrier is “vulnerable to low-cost missiles”, a terrifying industry report has revealed.

The HMS Queen Elizabeth, which was built in various yards around the UK before being assembled in Fife, could be sunk by cheap missile readily available to regimes across the globe, according to a a paper by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).

According to the institute, both China and Russia were already directing investment into such weaponry and have eroded the military dominance by the West. Continue reading

US Taunts Russian Warship in Mediterranean In Near Collision

When a country is infiltrated from the lowest levels to the highest, this is what you get. There’s normally a time in the military to play hardball with your adversaries, however, now is not one of those times. The Russian bear is being poked in the eye with a tiny stick without realizing or caring that behind this same bear is a nuclear arsenal now on par or more powerful and capable than that of the United States.


Russia’s Defence Ministry said on Tuesday a U.S. destroyer had approached dangerously close to a Russian warship in the Mediterranean Sea on June 17, and protested at what it said was a flagrant U.S. violation of rules to avoid collisions at sea.

The alleged incident involved the USS Gravely and the Russian Navy frigate Yaroslav Mudry, the ministry said in a statement. The Gravely approached the Russian vessel at a distance of 60-70 meters from the port side and crossed in front of it, it said.

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Russia to deploy NUCLEAR-capable ballistic missiles in the heart of EUROPE

Steven Pifer, former US ambassador to Ukraine, hit the nail on the head with his assessment on how Moscow operates. They claim their moves are a counter-move to the West, however, their plans were made long beforehand. They provoke nations into making a move, then claim to be the victim and respond accordingly. They’re having their cake and eating it, too. They are experts at this type of deception.


Kaliningrad will host the missiles



RUSSIA plans to station advanced nuclear-capable missiles deep inside Europe – putting vast swathes of the continent in the crosshairs of Moscow’s short-range ballistic missile programme.

Kremlin insiders say the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad – on the Baltic Sea wedged between Poland and Lithuania – will host the Iskander missile – dubbed the Stone by Nato.

Crimea, which was annexed from the Ukraine in 2014, could also host a second Iskander missile base, Russian defence sources claim. Continue reading

Report: Russia plans to buy 200 aircraft, 30 ships per year

The Russian Defence Ministry will buy roughly 200 aircraft and about 30 ships annually, state-owned news agency TASS reported on 14 December citing Russian chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov. Continue reading

Russia launches CRUISE MISSILES ‘at ISIS’ from warships 900 miles away as Syrian ground troops begin major offensive supported by Putin’s bombers

  • Four warships based in Caspian Sea launched 26 strikes on 11 ISIS targets
  • Russian defence minister insists the missiles did not hit any civilian areas
  • Comes as Assad’s troops pushed into two provinces backed by jet strikes
  • ISIS does not hold any territory in the areas where the fighting is underway
  • U.S. NATO chief praises Russia’s ‘impressive’ military presence in Syria

Russian warships joined the conflict in Syria with a volley of cruise missile attacks on Islamic State as Syrian government troops launched a major ground offensive supported by Moscow air strikes.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told Vladimir Putin in televised remarks that four ships based 900 miles away in the Caspian Sea had launched 26 missiles – and claimed they would strike 11 ISIS targets.

Video released by the Russian Defence Ministry shows the warships launching the missiles which Shoigu insisted destroyed all the targets and did not hit any civilian areas.  Continue reading

Russia test-fires ICBM amid tension over Ukraine

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia said it had successfully test-fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) on Tuesday, with tensions running high over its military intervention in Ukraine’s Crimea region.

A U.S. official said the United States had received proper notification from Russia ahead of the test and that the initial notification pre-dated the crisis in Crimea. The Russian Defence Ministry could not be reached for comment. Continue reading

Russia removes military personnel from Syria

MOSCOW: Russia has withdrawn all its military personnel from Syria and left its strategic Tartus naval centre unstaffed because of the escalating security threat in the war-torn country, the Vedomosti daily said Wednesday.

The respected business daily cited an unnamed source in the Russian defence ministry as saying that no Russian defence ministry military or civilian personnel were now present in Syria, a Soviet-era ally of Moscow. Continue reading