Russians use front-company to access US federal employees’ contact info, says report

EFIS Estonia


Russian spy agencies use front companies to purchase directorates that contain the contact details of United States government employees, according to a new intelligence report. The contact details are contained in multi-page directories of Congressional staff members and employees of US federal agencies. They are published every January by a specialist vendor called Leadership Connect with the cooperation of a Washington, DC-based provider of publishing services. The directories contain the names, job titles, professional addresses and telephone numbers of US government employees. Continue reading

Blinded by Beijing — Congressional report highlights U.S. intelligence failures regarding China military buildup

One has to wonder how the intelligence community can continue “missing” key developments in China when past actions such as the Clintons selling over 600 super-computers during the 90’s tenure through the commerce department is open source information.

New Chinese military developments that caught the United States off guard included new attack submarines, an anti-satellite missile system, aircraft carrier-killing missiles, and a new stealth jet.

“A decade on, it is now clear that much of the conventional wisdom about China dating from the turn of the century has proven to be dramatically wrong,” says the staff report by the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressional group.

“These predictive errors carry with them serious geopolitical consequences,” said the report, made public April 5. “To avoid being similarly caught off-guard in 2022, U.S. analysts should carefully reexamine many of their widely-held assumptions about the Chinese government and its policy goals.”

The report examined what it termed the “surprise” military developments and whether they showed “a pattern of underestimating the speed and depth of Chinese military development.

Full article: Blinded by Beijing — Congressional report highlights U.S. intelligence failures regarding China military buildup (Washington Free Beacon)