Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor

Orlando nightclub terrorist worked for major DHS contractor that secures “90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.”

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts. Continue reading

Strange stock market trades confuse Wall Street

Beware the naïve businessman mindset focused purely on ‘business as usual’ that believes there is no financial espionage from within the United States, as shown in the last sentence of this article. It’s always an error. Granted, blame shouldn’t be placed squarely 100% on them, as they were trained for business and not national security or intelligence careers. However, one can tell they don’t read the news outside of the business section.


It started at about noon ET. All the trades occurred in roughly the same time period—roughly noon ET to roughly 12:30 p.m.—and the volume in all the stocks was heavy, in most cases several times daily volume.

It all points to one likely explanation: somebody executed some kind of program.

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