PLA Navy set to build 10 aircraft carriers

To create its first blue-water navy, China plans to construct a total of 10 domestic aircraft carriers according to the Kanwa Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine operated by Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov, a military analyst from Canada. Continue reading

Cheating Scandal Spreads to the Navy’s Nuclear Fleet

A number of United States Navy sailors have been suspended and are under investigation for allegations that they cheated on qualifying exams to teach and train nuclear propulsion team members.

Chief Naval Officer Adm. Jonathan Greenert and one of his top admirals filed into the Pentagon briefing room on Tuesday — just the way his counterpart in the Air Force did last week — to tell the public about the cheating scandal among the ranks at Naval Weapons Station Charleston in South Carolina. Continue reading

U.S. Navy drafts evacuation plan to ‘go afloat’ in case of Bahraini crisis

MOSCOW — The United States has been drafting plans for a rapid naval
evacuation from Bahrain.

Officials said the U.S. Navy has conducted an exercise that envisioned a
crisis in the Gulf Cooperation Council kingdom. Continue reading

Obama’s dangerous defense experiment

The United States military is blatantly being used as a divisive political wedge and being dismantled under the guise of a “sequester”, which is only the latest political means to an end. The US economic crisis is in general being used for a variety the Obama administration’s objectives. If this were happening in China the public and media would call this a coup and a national takeover. However, with the American public, the lights are on but nobody’s home.

The United States has cut down the military so rapidly and so blindly, we’re in danger of breaking the back of the force.

Mindful of the repeated rounds of cuts the military has already endured, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, recently delivered a grim warning: “If you want [the military] to be doing what it’s doing today, then we can’t give you another dollar.”

His worries reflect reductions that started in 2009 and have reached crippling levels, even in President Obama’s proposals to avert sequestration. I take the general at his word, but I am concerned that the president does not. Continue reading