Queen calls her entire household to ‘highly unusual’ emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace today but mystery surrounds the reason why

Drama: All members of the Royal staff have been called to Buckingham Palace for an emergency meeting involving the Queen and Prince Philip



  • Staff to be addressed by senior officer of Royal Household Sir Christopher Geidt
  • Fuelling rumours of announcement concerning Queen or Duke of Edinburgh
  • Staff from afar afield as Balmoral in Scotland have been called back to London
  • Royal sources won’t reveal 10am meeting details but there is ‘no cause for alarm’
  • Queen and Prince Philip were at engagements and their health said to be ‘fine’ 
  • Ex-royal press secretary Dickie Arbiter claimed it could be about palace refurb

Speculation amongst Buckingham Palace staff is rampant this morning as the Queen’s most senior aides called her entire household to an emergency meeting today.

But royal sources have told the Mail that internet rumours about Her Majesty’s or Prince Philip’s health are ‘wide of the mark’ and they are ‘fine’.

Servants from royal residences across the country have been ordered to London and will be addressed this morning at 10am by the Lord Chamberlain, the most senior officer of the Royal Household, as well as Her Majesty’s right-hand man, Private Secretary Sir Christopher Geidt. Continue reading

WARNING: Just ONE of 2,000 terror suspects in Britain under surveillance amid attack fears

JUST one extremist in Britain is under curfew despite there being more than 2,000 terror suspects in the UK, it has been revealed.

The Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures, known as T-Pims, is used by the police and MI5 to keep surveillance on terror suspects who are yet to be deported.

But, as of May this year, the security system is only being used to track one terror suspect, according to a statement handed to Parliament just before the summer recess. Continue reading

EU Leaders Draft Plans for a Superstate

… And then the dominant nations made plans to whittle down, to say, ten nations or so — with all roads leading to Berlin.

The 17-member eurozone could soon get its own parliament with power over nations’ taxation, spending and economic policy, under plans being drawn up by Europe’s four presidents, German paper Handelsblatt reported September 6.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker presented an initial report on their proposals for the future of the eurozone in June. They’re due to present their final proposal at a summit beginning October 18, with a final report and road map due to be adopted by EU leaders at a summit on December 13.

The new eurozone parliament would be made up of both members of the European Parliament (meps) and representatives from national parliaments.

Their other proposals include giving the European Commission the power to veto national budgets.

The radical reforms go beyond any other proposals for political union so far, and would require changes to EU treaties. Several meps have already spoken out against them.

Separately, Barroso called for the EU to take on more power in social, labor and education policy, as Europe struggles with high unemployment. “We need to aim for an integrated EU policy approach and better coordination of employment and social policy at national and EU level,” he said in a speech at the Employment Policy Conference, September 6. “Not only employment and social policy, but also education policy ….

Full article: EU Leaders Draft Plans for a Superstate (The Trumpet)

Why America Should Not Have Toppled Mubarak

Apparently, President Obama has a compatriot at heart in Egypt’s new president Mohammad Morsi. Don’t like what the nation’s judges rule? Just issue an executive order and ignore the constitution. On Sunday, Morsi ordered Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament back in session—boldly defying the nation’s Supreme Court and the military leaders who enforced the order.

On June 14, the Supreme Court ruled that one third of the members of the lower house had been elected unlawfully—that they had been elected to seats that were reserved for secular and minority religious groups. The interim military rulers subsequently dissolved the lower house.

A few days later, Morsi was elected president. And now, one of his first moves is to annul the court’s decree and order lawmakers (most of whom are members of his party, or other ultra-conservative Islamists) back to work.

Can he legally do that? Probably not. But who can stop him?

Morsi’s move was a direct challenge to the former military rulers. It shows his strength. But more importantly, it shows the direction Morsi wants to take Egypt—away from the more secular constitution and into a fundamentalist Islamic future.

Astoundingly, America doesn’t seem concerned. Morsi’s defiance of the courts and Egypt’s constitution comes just days before a high-profile visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Morsi has little reason to fear. The moment America decided to embrace the “Arab Spring” and push former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak from power, it was consigned to dealing with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

But it is actually worse than that. America is embracing Morsi.

If America was truly interested in supporting parties that are committed to nonviolence and the way to peace, it never would have worked to overthrow Hosni Mubarak in the first place.

Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak administrations have done more than any other Muslim regimes to work toward real peace. Neither were perfect men, but they both risked their lives for their beliefs—and actions—that actually brought peace to a region. In fact, Anwar Sadat was assassinated by terrorists with links to Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood (and Iran) for making peace with Israel. Isn’t peacemaking the ultimate nonviolence? After Sadat’s death, Mubarak upheld the peace treaty that was the foundation for the last 30-plus years of peace.

But Egypt’s new President Mohammed Morsi embodies the total opposite of what Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak stood for. And if people understood history, that would scare them.

Morsi is also a 9/11 “Truther” who doesn’t believe terrorists blew up the World Trade Towers, but that it was some sort of U.S. government conspiracy.

This is America’s new ally. This is the man whom America helped put in power.

Full article: Why America Should Not Have Toppled Mubarak (The Trumpet)

Israel is Egypt’s no. 1 enemy, MPs declare

The lower house of the Egyptian parliament has unanimously approved a text declaring that Israel is the number one enemy of Egypt and calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador and a halt to gas exports to Israel.

On Monday, Egyptian MPs voted by a show of hands on the text of a report, which was compiled by the Arab Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly (lower house of parliament).

“Revolutionary Egypt will never be a friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity, which we consider to be the number one enemy of Egypt and the Arab nation,” the report declared, adding, “It will deal with that entity as an enemy, and the Egyptian government is hereby called upon to review all its relations and accords with that enemy.”

Full article: Israel is Egypt’s no. 1 enemy, MPs declare (Press TV)