Russia removes military personnel from Syria

MOSCOW: Russia has withdrawn all its military personnel from Syria and left its strategic Tartus naval centre unstaffed because of the escalating security threat in the war-torn country, the Vedomosti daily said Wednesday.

The respected business daily cited an unnamed source in the Russian defence ministry as saying that no Russian defence ministry military or civilian personnel were now present in Syria, a Soviet-era ally of Moscow. Continue reading

Russia: Assad ‘losing control’; 16 killed in car bomb near Damascus

For Russia to come out and state that the Assad regime is losing control, being that it’s Syria’s biggest supporter, it speaks volumes. The tide has turned and it’s all downhill for Assad. The only variable missing is an indicator of when the regime is in its last throes. It’s been said the Syrian air force is the only thing keeping the ruling party alive. Once that goes, so goes Assad who is likely not going away without causing as much damage to the surrounding region as possible. Henceforth, the use of WMDs will be in play soon.

In the coming weeks (sooner than the Soviets are willing to admit) be sure to look out for news regarding key military installations, crucial cities, last strongholds, etc. being overtaken by rebels.

In the first acknowledgement by Assad’s main ally that he faces a likely defeat, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said Thursday that President Bashar Assad is losing control over Syria and that his opponents may win, as Lebanese media reported that 16 people were killed and more than 25 wounded in a car bomb near Damascus. Continue reading