Germany’s European Army and an Interview With the Son of Hitler’s Lawyer and Top Nazi


In addition to our regular This Week in Germany feature, we want to pass on an exciting announcement: Tomorrow, German journalist and author Niklas Frank will visit our Edstone campus near Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Frank is the son of Hans Frank, the man that Adolf Hitler appointed governor general of Poland during World War ii.

Frank openly detests his father and what he did during the war, and has written and spoken about him extensively. But in addition to speaking about Germany’s past, he has also been warning about its future.

This year, he published a book about how Germany did not de-Nazify itself after Word War ii: Dunkle Seele Feiges Maul (Dark Soul, Deceitful Lips). He details how Nazis took back key positions of the government just a few years after the war ended. His book is currently only available in German, but he has been traveling and delivering the same message, warning that Germany still poses a potential danger to Europe and the world.

He recently told the bbcDon’t trust us.”

Frank will be on campus tomorrow, appearing live in studio on the Trumpet Daily Radio Show (7 a.m. Central Time in the United States). This special program will be available to stream live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, as well as the regular stream here at The recording will be available after the fact. Frank will also record video interviews with staff.

Full article: Germany’s European Army and an Interview With the Son of Hitler’s Lawyer and Top Nazi (The Trumpet)

Note: For archiving purposes, a copy of the article in full will remain here.

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