Homeland Security Dept bars Kapersky software; Russian intel intrusion feared

Amid concern that cybersecurity software made by Kapersky Lab is vulnerable to intrusion by Russian intelligence services, the US Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday barred American federal agencies from using the company’s products. It said in a statement that “the Russian government could capitalize on access provided by Kaspersky products to compromise federal information and information systems”, directly affecting US national security. It noted that Russian law permits the country’s intelligence agencies “to request or compel assistance from Kaspersky and to intercept communications transiting Russian networks”. The company is reported to have a close working relationship with Russia’s FSB intelligence agency. Continue reading

Could Russian Hackers Cause Power Outages In The U.S.?


Hackers believed to be allied with the Russian government have devised a cyberweapon that has the potential to be highly disruptive against the world’s electrical systems, researchers have reported.

The malware, which researchers have dubbed CrashOverride or Industroyer, is known to have disrupted the electrical system in Ukraine in December, briefly shutting down one-fifth of Kyiv’s electric power. Continue reading

Chinese spyware found on 700 million Android phones

Chinese-authored spyware that can be used to track a user’s movements and communications has been found on some 700 million Android smartphones, security researchers said.

The spyware, discovered by Virginia-based Kryptowire, was reportedly authored by Chinese startup Shanghai Adups Technology Company. Continue reading

New DHS Informant Leaks a Shocker

For those who might easily dismiss a story, it would be worthwhile to consider the following:

There are numerous other dots to connect via open source information readily available, but you the reader, can add them up and come to your own conclusions.

“There’s a Russian, Chinese, Islamic military invasion coming to the U.S.A,” Wiles forcefully told his audience, Wednesday.

“For years, he said nothing until now.  He told them there’s talk inside Homeland Security offices that Russian Spetsnaz commandos are infiltrating into the U.S.A from Canada.  He said it’s been underway all summer, and he estimated the number of commandos at the present time inside the U.S.A to be in excess of 20,000.”

The most intimate knowledge of the coming danger to the U.S. comes to him off air, Wiles says, as his sources seek to distance themselves from the information for the purposes of their own safety as well as the safety of their families.  Because of his position as a journalist, radio host and trusted leader of the Christian community, Wiles receives the most sensitive information ‘off the record’ in the hopes that others who speak ‘on the record’ will be taken seriously.

Previous reports of Russian military personnel participating in joint ‘civil drills’ with local law enforcement at Ft. Carson, Colorado between May 24 and 31 of this year may have had something to do with the ongoing clandestine immigration of Russian commandos alleged by Wiles’ source, but a possible reason for the stealth entry into the U.S of 20,000 troops wasn’t ventured during Wiles’ Wednesday’s disclosure.

However, a source to Wiles of more than a decade ago offers the possibility of a much more nefarious explanation for the infiltrating Russian commandos that can be traced back more than 30 years.

“I spent several days with Colonel Stanislav Lunev in 1999,” says Wiles.  “He was my guest when I lived in Dallas/Ft. Worth.  Colonel Lunev is the highest ranking Russian GRU military spy ever to defect to the West. . .

“One of his assignments was to find places to hide nuclear suitcase bombs inside the U.S.A.  You can read about it in his book, Through the eyes of the enemy.

“Colonel Lunev personally told me that the Russians were bringing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons into the U.S.A throughout the 1970s and 80s by smuggling them over the Mexican border.

“Colonel Lunev said there are Russian Spetznazs commandos coming in and out of the U.S.A every month disguised as tourists, professors, doctors, reporters; they come and go.”

The implications of, even, an attempted ground invasion by sleeper Russian commandos, in addition to other hostile sleeper cells rumored to be hibernating on American soil, are staggering, but also raise the possibility that a false-flag of an invasion may be planned as the excuse to lock-down America during a currency crisis.

Full article: New DHS Informant Leaks a Shocker (Beacon Equity Research)