Iran Threatens Saudi Arabia: “The IRGC…Will Take Vengeance” On The Al-Sa’ud Regime; “Our Responses Will Be… Harsh And Decisive”

In recent days, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the top echelons of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) dispatched threatening messages to Saudi Arabia’s rulers in response to the hundreds of Iranians killed in the stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia, which claimed the lives of over a thousand Hajj pilgrims. Khamenei, along with IRGC commanders and ideological camp leaders, were furious at the Saudi royal family, holding it responsible for the disaster and promising a “harsh and decisive” response if Saudi Arabia continued what they called its deliberate anti-Iran conduct. The daily Kayhan, which is close to Khamenei, even claimed that Saudi authorities had intentionally caused the stampede after it was planned by the Israeli Mossad.[1] Continue reading

Rise of Iran’s warrior class: Succession in the air with reports of Khamenei’s decline

There are new reports of a sharp deterioration in the health of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseini Khamenei [denied as propaganda by the regime].

On March 4, he was reportedly hospitalized in critical condition and has undergone emergency surgery according to sources.

Significantly, the Iranian sources did not mention the success of the operation.

French medical experts were called to Tehran. They reported that Khamenei’s prostate cancer had spread beyond control. On the basis of medical reports, French Intelligence now estimates that the time remaining for Khamenei ranged between imminent death to no more than two years’ life expectancy. Continue reading