Iran Starts Process of Looking for Next Supreme Leader

DUBAI (Reuters) – An Iranian committee is examining potential candidates to be the next supreme leader, former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Sunday, breaking a taboo of talking publicly about succession in the Islamic Republic.

Even after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 75, had surgery for prostate cancer last year, public discussion over who would succeed him never gained momentum in official circles because of the risk of being seen to undermine Iran’s most powerful figure. Continue reading

Khamenei’s illness puts nuclear deal at risk

The frail health of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has set off a power struggle in Tehran that may derail the nuclear deal which he must ratify. Continue reading

Iran supreme leader said to be in critical condition

Ali Khamenei, 76, suffering from prostate cancer, according to unspecified reports; reportedly assessed to have two years to live

Arabic media outlets reported Wednesday that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was hospitalized in critical condition, days after a different report indicated doctors had given the ayatollah only two years to live. Continue reading