Loudon’s Upcoming US Speaking Tour

For those that are interested, global political expert Trevor Loudon of the New Zeal blog will be speaking in the United States with the aim, as he puts it:

My aim is to alert Americans to the high level of communist and socialist infiltration of their government and the huge national security implications if this state of affairs is allowed to continue.

Locations include, but aren’t limited to: Washington DC, Oregon, California, Georgia, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Ohio.

Mr. Loudon’s patriotic, continuious and persistent efforts to reach the public and inform them on the danger these political ideologies pose to America would make a visit entirely worthwhile.

The following video is a sample of the discussions you’re likely to hear:

Note: Global Geopolitics will never ask you for money, therefore assistance via donations to Trevor Loudon is not a requirement of this site and are purely based upon your own merit. This post serves as an informational piece.

Full article: Loudon’s Upcoming US Speaking Tour (New Zeal)

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