Bill Clinton knew Iran was behind Khobar attack, cable shows

Report says US had evidence Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah carried out 1996 bombing, which killed 19 US servicemen

Former US president Bill Clinton’s administration had enough evidence of Iran’s sponsorship of a deadly terror attack in Saudi Arabia to prompt a communique to the Iranian president, but kept the information under wraps to avoid demands for a more forceful response, the Washington Times reported on Tuesday.

Memos from the period before Clinton left office reveal that intelligence had indicated Iranian involvement in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers, which killed 19 US servicemen. Continue reading

Top ayatollah: White House dreaming if it thinks Iran deal will lead to improved ties

The Obama administration is naive if it thinks the nuclear accord will lead to restored relations between the United States and Iran, a top Iranian cleric said on Sept. 24.

“The U.S. wants to say that, following [the conclusion of] the JCPOA, the ice has been broken between the two countries; but that is not the case,” Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami said in a sermon following the Eid al-Adha prayers in Teheran. Continue reading