Are You Expecting a New Iran?

One clue after the ‘deal’ was Ayatollah Khatami blatantly saying it will not lead to improved relations.


  • If anyone is expecting any liberalization from Rouhani, please note that he is an even more trusted regime insider than Khatami.
  • The main reason there will not be a less aggressive foreign policy is that Iran’s Presidency and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which negotiated the nuclear deal, have no power over the Islamic Republic’s military, police, and intelligence agencies. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Office of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei control all decisions in these arenas.
  • Unfortunately, there has been no diminution of influence or resolve among Iran’s hard-liners, who control all of these institutions.
  • The military and theocratic cliques who dominate the regime will take full advantage of any opportunities created by the nuclear deal quickly and brutally to crush any attempt by Iranian reformers to expand political freedom or social reforms.

Are you expecting a new Iran? The most optimistic scenario by supporters of the nuclear deal with Iran is that the pact will bring about better relations between Tehran and Washington. Continue reading

Al Saud Media: Assad and His Family Stay on a Russian Navy Ship

Translated from Arabic to English by using Google, we now know why he hasn’t been caught just yet:

“Al-Watan” from intelligence sources that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, he lives with his family and close associates limited him aboard a warship in the Mediterranean sea, guarded by Russian. The informed sources “home” with information, stating that “Assad travels to and from the warship by helicopter afford to a site inside Syria, and transmits its transnational dimension cars common to the People’s Palace under heavy guard, in case he had a date for the formal reception or protocols,” but Most residence be in the ship, according to sources, who attributed it for two reasons: first, to provide a safe environment for the President who has lost confidence, one way or another, in the security cordon near him, and that it was worried that penetrate the ring is easy, according to the sources. In this context published “home” two weeks ago, citing intelligence sources, news recruit and Ministry of Intelligence and Security of Iran’s Dean Hafez Makhlouf – a cousin of President Assad – without the knowledge of Assad and leaders of military and intelligence Syrian, which has become a major concern to the lion of breakthroughs, According to the sources. Continue reading